
Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica (SPDC) de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España


El Guiniguada

(Revista de investigaciones y experiencias en Ciencias de la Educación)

eISSN: 2386-3374

10.20420/ElGuiniguada.2013.333 (doi general de la revista)

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Recensión/Book Review Experiencias prácticas en didáctica del español como primera y segunda lengua con Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, competencia global y World-Readiness Standards

Practical Experiences in Teaching Spanish as a First and Second Language Global Competence, Sustainable

Development Goals, and World-Readiness Standards

Reseñado por/Reviewed by Lorena García-Barroso Columbia University United States

DOI (en Sumario/Título WEB de la Revista) Recibido el 28/02/2024

Aceptado el 31/03/2024

El Guiniguada is licensed under a Creative Commons ReconocimientoNoComercial-SinObraDerivada

4.0 Internacional License.



TÍTULO DE LA PUBLICACIÓN: Experiencias prácticas en didáctica del español como primera y segunda lengua con Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, competencia global y World-Readiness Standards

AUTORÍA: Teresa Fernández-Ulloa y Miguel Soler Gallo (eds.) FECHA: 2023



IDIOMA, PÁGINAS: español, 192 págs.

AUTORÍA DE LA RECENSIÓN: Lorena García-Barroso

Experiencias prácticas en didáctica del español como primera y segunda lengua con Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, competencia global y World-Readiness Standards presents a comprehensive exploration of practical experiences in teaching Spanish as both a first and second language. Authored by Teresa Fernández Ulloa and Miguel Soler Gallo, this academic book is structured into eleven chapters, each delving into different aspects of Spanish language pedagogy. In this review, I will critically examine the content, organization, and scholarly contributions of this valuable resource.

The book begins with an introductory chapter that sets the stage for the subsequent discussions by providing an overview of the theoretical foundations of global competence in language teaching. Each of the following chapters focuses on a specific theme related to language instruction, including global competence, Sustainable Development Goals, World-Readiness Standards, inclusive practices for women in pedagogy in the past and present, and environmental considerations aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. The authors incorporate current research in second language acquisition and pedagogical theory to inform their discussions, providing readers with a solid theoretical framework for understanding the practical applications presented.

One notable aspect of the book is its emphasis on practicality and applicability in language teaching contexts. Each chapter includes case studies, classroom activities, and real-world examples that illustrate key concepts and demonstrate their implementation in diverse instructional settings. This approach not only enhances the relevance of the content but also equips educators with tangible strategies and resources for effectively developing global competence in language teaching.

The organization of the book is logical and systematic, with each chapter building upon the previous ones to create a coherent narrative. The chapters are well-structured, beginning with an introduction to the topic followed by in-depth discussions supported by relevant literature and practical examples. The inclusion of reflection questions and suggested activities at the end of some chapters encourages readers to engage critically with the material and apply it to their own teaching contexts.

The first chapter discusses integrating global competence and Sustainable Development Goals activities into A1 level Spanish as a Foreign Language classrooms in a study abroad program. The second chapter proposes feminist and decolonial pedagogical perspectives to promote new topics and approaches, highlighting women as knowledge producers and incorporating non-Western paradigms. The subsequent three chapters design activities using literary and journalistic texts, music video clips, and photographs to raise awareness about gender equality, violence against women, and stereotypes, aiming to inspire sustained activism in new generations and recognize all individuals as essential agents of change, regardless of gender. The sixth chapter discusses the socio-affective importance in teaching through micro-stories. The seventh chapter proposes a teaching method focusing on environmental vocabulary to foster respect and appreciation for nature. In the eighth chapter, the link between learning Spanish and environmental issues in La Albufera, Valencia, is explored. The ninth chapter emphasizes using letter writing to design an alternative course on Spanish Civilization and Cultures, prioritizing experiential learning. The tenth chapter presents an experience of incorporating the periphery or subaltern into the classroom, particularly by introducing students to Afro-descendant topics in Mexico through art and literature, utilizing “visible thinking routines” from Harvard University. The last chapter discusses the benefits of using the assembly technique to create learning communities in the “foreign language for teachers: English” course fostering global competence in the Early Childhood Education Bachelor’s program.

Experiencias prácticas en didáctica del español como primera y segunda lengua con Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, competencia global y World-Readiness Standards makes significant scholarly contributions to the field of Spanish language pedagogy. By synthesizing current research and best practices in language teaching to develop global competence, Sustainable Development Goals, and World-Readiness Standards, the book offers valuable insights into effective instructional approaches and strategies for promoting language proficiency and global competence among learners of Spanish. Additionally, the inclusion of practical examples and case studies enhances the book’s utility as a resource for language educators seeking to enhance their teaching practice in today’s world.

In conclusion, Experiencias prácticas en didáctica del español como primera y segunda lengua con Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, competencia global y World-Readiness Standards is a highly valuable resource for educators and researchers interested in Spanish language pedagogy. The book’s comprehensive coverage of key topics, practical orientation, and scholarly rigor make it an essential addition to the library of any language educator. Teresa Fernández Ulloa and Miguel Soler Gallo have produced a well-researched and thoughtfully crafted resource that will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing conversation surrounding effective language teaching practices aimed at developing and improving global competence, Sustainable Development Goals, and World-Readiness Standards.

Columbia University