El Guiniguada. Revista de investigaciones y experiencias en Ciencias de la Educación 24 (2015), pp. 32-49

Print ISSN: 0213-0610 – eISSN: 2386-3374


Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



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El Guiniguada. Revista de investigaciones y experiencias en Ciencias de la Educación

eISSN: 2386-3374

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CLIL materials in Secondary Education: focusing on the language of instruction in the subject area of Mathematics

María Bobadilla-Pérez

Universidade da Coruña

Noelia M. Galán-Rodríguez

Universidade da Coruña

Article first published online: 31/03/2016 Article published online with DOI added: pending

El Guiniguada. Revista de investigaciones y experiencias en Ciencias de la Educación is licensed under a Creative Commons ReconocimientoNoComercial-SinObraDerivada

4.0 Internacional License.


El Guiniguada. Revista de investigaciones y experiencias en Ciencias de la Educación 24 (2015), pp. 32-49

Print ISSN: 0213-0610 – eISSN: 2386-3374

Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


CLIL materials in Secondary Education: focusing on the language of instruction in the subject area of Mathematics


María Bobadilla-Pérez

Universidade da Coruña


Noelia M. Galán-Rodríguez

Universidade da Coruña



Applying a CLIL methodological approach marks a shift in emphasis from language learning based on linguistic form and grammatical progression to a more ‘language acquisition’ one which takes account language functions. In this article we will study the elements of the “language of instruction” of the area of Maths in Secondary Education, by focusing on the analysis of the communicative functions, and the lexical and the cultural items present in the textbook in use. Our aim is to present the CLIL teacher with the linguistic and didactic implications that he or she should take into consideration when implementing the bilingual syllabuses with their students. In order to do that, we will present our conclusions emphasizing the need for coordination in different content areas, linguistic and communicative contents, between the foreign language teacher and the CLIL subject one.

KEYWORDS: CLIL, Language of Instruction, English, Maths, Secondary Education


La aplicación de un enfoque metodológico AICLE supone un cambio de prioridades de un aprendizaje de lenguas basado en la forma lingüística y progresión gramatical a uno de ‘adquisición del lenguaje’ que tiene en cuenta las funciones del lenguaje. En este artículo estudiaremos los elementos de la “lengua de instrucción” del área de matemáticas en la educación secundaria, centrándonos en el análisis de las funciones comunicativas y los elementos léxicos y culturales presentes en el libro de texto utilizado. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar al profesor AICLE las implicaciones lingüísticas y didácticas que debe tener en cuenta al implementar la programación bilingüe con sus estudiantes. Por ello, presentaremos nuestras conclusiones haciendo hincapié en la necesidad de coordinación en diferentes áreas de contenido –contenidos lingüísticos y comunicativos– entre el profesor de lengua extranjera y el de AICLE.

PALABRAS CLAVE: AICLE, lengua de instrucción, inglés, matemáticas, educación secundaria

  1. Introduction

    With the 4C’s teaching framework defined in CLIL methodology, where the learner must use a different language to acquire knowledge, comes an adjustment of the traditional process of language teaching/learning. The so called “language of instruction” here must not only be considered a tool but an important element of the CLIL process; even though language may not be the designated subject in the classroom, there are language related goals apart from the ones linked to the content subject that must be taken into consideration. Therefore, applying such methodological approach marks a shift in emphasis from language learning based on linguistic form and grammatical progression to a more ‘language acquisition’ one which takes account language functions. In this article we will study the elements of the language of instruction, by focusing on the analysis of the communicative functions, and the lexical and the cultural items a CLIL textbook of the area of Maths in Secondary Education. Our aim is to present the CLIL teacher with the linguistic and didactic implications that he or she should take into consideration when implementing the bilingual syllabuses with their students. In order to do that, we will present our conclusions emphasizing the need for coordination in different content areas, linguistic and communicative contents, between the foreign language teacher and the CLIL subject one.

  2. CLIL in the Spanish context

    Content and Language Integrated Learning is an umbrella term coined by Marsh and Maljers in 1994 that covers many varieties of educational programmes and projects focused on the teaching and learning of academic content throughout a language other than the mother tongue in the classroom (Pavón in Marsh, 2013: 11). CLIL projects share some principles all over the world. Pérez (n. d.) highlights three main principles that any CLIL project should follow: (1) the language is used to learn content of the subject but it is also necessary to learn the language in order to understand and communicate, this is, there is a double aim, content-wise and language-wise. (2) The language used is determined by the content so elements such as vocabulary, linguistic forms and skills will be dependent on the contents of the subject. The third principle Pérez points out is strongly linked to the communicative competence the CEFR promotes as (3) fluency is more important than grammar and linguistic precision in general.

    In Spain, language-improvement initiatives have been increasing in the last decade. Although foreign language acquisition has usually been a weak point in the Spanish education system (Fernández, 2009: 3), European initiatives are being put into practise in Spain in order to improve foreign language learning and teaching. CLIL programmes are considered in the former (LOE, 2006) and new (LOMCE, 2013) education law so to reinforce foreign language teaching.

  3. Language of Instruction

    It must be pointed out that the language of instruction is not only a tool but an important item of the CLIL process: language may not be the designated subject in the classroom but there are language related goals apart from the ones regards to content subject (Dalton-Puffer, 2007). The numerous CLIL experiences have supported the idea that changing the language of instruction to a foreign language such as English, French or Portuguese can mean a significant change in the way primary and secondary education teachers face their class and how students learn (Campo, Grisaleña & Alonso, 2007). This change in the language of instruction leads to improvements in the educational system.

    Nevertheless, in order to do so, an intensive analysis of the language of instruction and its functions must be conducted. Dalton-Puffer (2007: 128) points out that academic language functions may be best understood as a special case of the general communicative functions of language. These functions are classified as (1) being linked to certain interactive and social situations and (2) playing an important part related to language functioning as a social tool. These communication practices give rise to linguistic conventions, hence, a “certain spectrum of realization becomes established, providing linguistic and structural patterns for coping with standard situations” (2007: 128). Then, having control over these conventions which are of utmost importance to the development of communicative competence this will be reached.

    It is difficult to determine how many academic language functions can be as this area has not been exposed to many researches from a linguistic point of view (2007: 129). However, Dalton-Puffer (2007: 129) compiles a list of the most common academic language functions in English in the literature related to the topic: analysing, classifying, comparing, defining, describing, drawing conclusions, evaluating & assessing, explaining, hypothesizing, informing, narrating, persuading, predicting, and requesting/giving information

    In science-related subjects hypothesizing is one of the most used academic language functions; this is defined by their use of “relatively complex verb phrases for their verbalization so that this is an interesting testing ground for the occurrence of ‘more difficult grammar’ in the classroom language” (2007: 159). The lexico-grammatical collection of this modality varies from modal verbs (can, will, may, etc.), adverbs (probably, perhaps, possibly, possibility, etc.), conditional conjunctions (if) and lexical phrases. Some lexical verbs introducing hypothesizing episodes used in the classroom are: “assume, guess, hypothesize, imagine, predict, propose, speculate, suggest and suppose” (2007: 160). A significant aspect of these verbs is that they are likely to appear in typical syntactical phrases (2007: 161):

  4. CLIL and Maths

    As it has been previously stated science subjects are the most sought subjects to introduce in a CLIL classroom and many resources have been created for the CLIL Maths classroom such as the book Teaching Maths through English – a CLIL Approach (n. d.) published by Cambridge University Press. Science-related subjects are the most sought-after subjects in secondary education in order to create a CLIL course; hence, it is normal that many studies have focused on the management and success of these projects (Jäppinen, 2008; Evnitskaya & Morton, 2011).

    Regarding Coyle’s 4C’s in CLIL Maths it is “important to notice that ‘content’ is the first word […] because curricular content leads language learning […] learning about mathematics often involves learners in making a hypothesis and then proving whether this hypothesis is true or not” (Teaching Maths through English, n. d.: 2). In this book the 4C’s in Maths are described as:

    1. Content: what is the maths topic? e.g. algebra, ratio, linear graphs

    2. Communication: what maths language will learners communicate during the lesson? e.g. the language of comparison for comparing and contrasting graphs

    3. Cognition: what thinking skills are demanded of learners? e.g. identifying, classifying, reasoning, generalising

    4. Culture (sometimes the 4th C is referred to as Community or Citizenship): is there a cultural focus in the lesson, e.g. do learners from different language backgrounds calculate in the same way? What symbols do they use? In multilingual contexts, it is important to take time to talk about methods used in different cultures represented by learners in the classroom (Teaching Maths through English, n. d.: 2).

    In regards to the content, it is necessary to make a distinction between content- obligatory and content-compatible language: content-obligatory language deals with specific vocabulary, grammatical structures and functional expressions whereas content-

    compatible language is not specific to a subject and may be learned in the English class in order to communicate more fully (Teaching Maths through English, n. d.: 3).

    As stated above, content-obligatory language is subject-specific so teachers and students must be aware of this specific vocabulary to direct and participate in the lesson. In regards to Maths, Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Handbook for Teachers. (n. d.) provides a list of vocabulary which would work as the essential list of words related to Maths in English. In relation to their level of difficulty from the Spanish students’ perspective, an etymological classification could be done so the words with Latin roots may be easier to use than others with an Anglo-Saxon etymology:

    Latinate words

    Anglo-Saxon Words

    algebra angle axis bar graph calculate calculator chart circumference column graph compasses coordinates cube diameter equation estimate formula fractions geometry line

    grid working out

    As it can be appreciated, the table shows that most of the specific vocabulary in a Maths lesson comes from Latin origins; this would definitely make easier for natives of a Romanic language (in this case, Spanish) to understand the relatively new concepts due to the similarities between these words in English and their Spanish counterparts. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that the list of vocabulary is only an exemplification of Maths-related vocabulary and not a complete compilation of all the specific vocabulary of the subject.

    Choosing Maths as a CLIL course has many advantages as, for instance, this subject excludes the possibility of various interpretations and misinterpretations of specific problems to some extent and non-verbal communication such as visual and material graphs are considerably used (Novotná & Hofmannová, n. d.); hence, this helps along the students’ learning without completely relying on the language. Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks to the subject: it is not possible to take a ‘holistic’ approach to it due to its exact character so items such as idioms and ambiguity in vocabulary cannot be considered in a CLIL Maths classroom.

  5. Maths CLIL Case Study 5.1Contextualisation

    In this study we have focused on the analysis of a specially designed textbook by the CLIL teachers of a CLIL section in a Galician high-school taking special interest in some linguistic forms which will be listed below. For practical reasons we have decided to analyse in depth the linguistic elements of one of its units. Nevertheless, a brief analysis on the practice of English and Spanish will be performed in order to contextualise the use of the communicative competence. Therefore, the main points of the study will be divided into three categories.

  6. Conclusions

In regards to the language of instruction, only some aspects of it have been analysed due to the scope of this study, i.e. one book chapter. As it has been exemplified, the number of conditional sentences in the text is quite high and most of them are of the zero conditional type (‘If + present simple, present simple’). This type of conditional is used to express results of a condition which is always true. Nevertheless, its ‘overuse’ may be related to the fact that the textbook has been written by Maths teachers whose mother tongue is Spanish: the fact that they are not English ‘experts’ though they have a good grasp of the general linguistic features of the English language and that the most common form of conditional in Spanish follow the same pattern of the zero conditional may be the main reasons why the use of the zero conditional is so prolific in the unit. This theory is also backed up with some found examples where the main sentence of the conditional was an imperative tense, an item fairly used in the Spanish language. However, the use of the conditional conjunction ‘if’ also responds to the hypothesizing language function.

Still conditionals are not the only items in the text which can be found in relation to hypothesis: modal verbs are also markers of hypothesis. Some of these were found in the analysed unit (see Figure 1 in the analysis): modals of ability were the highest in number, this is probably due to the ‘practicability’ of the subject as students need to use their skills and abilities to perform what they are asked to do so sentences with modal verbs of ability like “you can use” or “you can easily represent” state what the students are able to do and encourage them to complete these tasks. In second place, there are what they were named ‘modals of hypothesis’; these are sentences with modals which introduce a hypothesis such as “For instance, you might need to find a point that divides a given segment into equal halves”. In these hypothesis the most used modal verbs are ‘might’, ‘may’ and ‘would’.

In both the conditional and the modal verbs examples, the active voice is dominant though there are some sentences with passive verb tenses. It is interesting that an ‘academic’ text as a textbook should be chose to follow a structure for their sentences with a subject ‘you’ or ‘we’ and an active tense rather than using the passive voice in order to show objectivity in the writing. With this, it is not the researcher’s intention to doubt the objectivity of the textbook or its contents but to highlight that the constant use of ‘you’ and ‘we’ may give the impression of subjectivity or informality to the reader. It could be also considered that the lack of passive in the text was because the writers thought the passive voice was taught only in the English classroom in higher levels of mandatory education so the students may not be accustomed to or even know what the

passive voice in English is or how it is used. This uncertainty on the students’ knowledge of passives might be the reason why the passive sentences found in the textbook are very similar (“is included”/”are included”) and the verbs used in these sentences are also of very common usage: this could have been done to facilitate the students’ understanding of this ‘complex’ grammar structure.

Nevertheless, after looking at the contents of the English textbook which is used in the English language lessons it is shown that the passive voice is explained in at the beginning of the third trimester, just at the same time the analysed unit is being explained. Therefore, at this point, students would have been aware of the use of the passive voice in English due to their previous knowledge of this (3º ESO) and the recap done in the English classroom at the same time. While watching the contents in the English textbook it is noticeable that the grammatical items analysed in this study are present in the list of contents in the textbook: conditionals (Unit 5-6), modal verbs (Unit

6) and the passive voice (Unit 7). It could reflect on the fact that these items, which are part of the linguistic competence inside the communicative language competence, are further reviewed in the Maths textbook so a dual purpose would be met: they are used to make sense of the contents in the Maths class and they are a recap on the learned knowledge in the English lesson.

In regards to lexical items, a division was made between content-obligatory language and content-compatible language. As it has been pointed out in the analysis, most of the content-obligatory words came from Latin origins, thus, as the students’ mother tongue is Spanish or Galician (both Romanic languages) the specific vocabulary with Latin etymology would be easy for them to understand due to the similarity of these words to the Spanish homologues. The reason behind the high number of Maths-related words to Latin (and Greek) resides in the history of this field of study which began in Greece and was adopted later by the Romans among other civilizations, hence, the high number of Maths words with Latin and Greek roots. If this historical view is taken into account, it could be established that choosing Maths as the subject for a CLIL lesson in a Spanish/Galician speaking high-school would benefit the students not only because of socio-linguistic reasons, but because students would find easier the specific vocabulary of Maths as it is very similar to their L1.


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Dalton-Puffer, C. (2007). Discourse in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub.

Dalton-Puffer, C. (2009). Communicative Competence and the CLIL Lesson. In Ruiz de Zarobe & Jiménez Catalán (eds.), Content and Language Integrated Learning: Evidence from Research in Europe (197-214). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Evnitskaya, N. & Morton, T. (2011). Knowledge Construction, Meaning Making and Interaction in CLIL Science Classroom Communities of Practice. Language and Education, 25 (2), 109-127. DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2010.547199

Garvi Herizo, M. A., Sánchez Rodríguez, R. & González Pérez, J. I. (n. d.)

Mathematics: 4º ESO. Valencia: Educalia Editorial.

Jäppinen, A. (2005). Thinking and Content Learning of Mathematics and Science as Cognitional Development in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Teaching Through a Foreign Language in Finland. Language and Education, 19 (2), 147-168. DOI: 10.1080/09500780508668671

Johnston, O. (2012). Interface 4: Workbook. Oxford: Macmillan.

Marsh, D. (2013). The CLIL Trajectory: Educational Innovation for the 21st Century iGeneration. Córdoba: Universidad de Córdoba.

Marsh, D., Mehisto, P., Wolff, D. & Frigols Martín, M. J. (2011). European Framework for CLIL Teacher Education: A framework for the Professional Development of CLIL Teachers. Graz: European Centre for Modern Languages.

Mauchline, F. (2012). Interface 4: Teacher’s Book. Oxford: Macmillan.

Novotná, J. & Hofmannová, M. (n. d.). CLIL and Mathematics Education. Retrieved from: http://math.unipa.it/~grim/Jnovotna.PDF

Pavón Vázquez, V. (2013). Foreword. In Marsh, The CLIL Trajectory: Educational Innovation for the 21st Century iGeneration (11-16). Córdoba: Universidad de Córdoba.

Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Handbook for Teachers. (n. d.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Teaching Maths in English – a CLIL Approach (n. d.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Annex 1: Conditionals

Examples: Conditionals


If the slope is the same for two different pairs of points, then the three points are collinear.

Zero conditional

If it is, then it means that the 3 points are collinear.

Zero conditional

If n = 0, you obtain a linear function y = mx that goes through the origin […]

Zero conditional: instead of using the verb tense ‘equals’,

= is used.

If you use cross-multiplication in (*) and you isolate

the y-variable, you can easily obtain the equation in the slope-intercept form […]

Zero conditional: the modal verb “can” is used along with


The point-slope form is useful if the slope m and a

point (x¹, y¹) through which the line passes are known.

‘Mixed’ conditional: instead

of using an active verb tense after if as it is usual, a present

simple tense with a passive

voice is used.

If two non-vertical lines are parallel, then they have

the same slope.

Zero conditional

If two distinct non-vertical lines have the same

slope, then they are parallel.

Zero conditional

If two non-vertical lines are perpendicular, then the

product of their slopes is -1.

Zero conditional

If the product of the slopes of two lines is -1, then

the lines are perpendicular.

Zero conditional

If the lines are intersecting, calculate the intersection point.

Zero conditional: the second part could be described as an order (imperative), so it would not be classified as a


If you use the formula […] you get […]

Zero conditional

Then, if you square both terms, you get the equation of the circumference.

Zero conditional

If you use an inequality sign (<, >, ≤ or ≥) instead of […] the region that you get is […]

Zero conditional

If the inequality is true, the half-plane includes this test point […]

Zero conditional

If the inequality is false, the half-plane does not include […]

Zero conditional

If you substitute x = 0 and y = 0 in the inequality you get […]

Zero conditional

If you had chosen a test point situated on the other

half-plane […] you would have got […]

Third conditional

Annex 2: Modal Verbs

Examples: Modal Verbs

Notes and Category

For instance, you might need to find a point that

divides a given segment into equal halves.


The point P must be the midpoint between the point A

and its symmetrical point.


You can use the slope formula […]


[…] you should know that the graph of the function […] is a straight line.


The equation […] can be given in the form […]


The expression (*) is true because a generic point (x,

y) of this line must be collinear with the two given points, so the slope must be the same for both pairs of



[…] one of the denominators can be equal to zero.


If you use cross-multiplication […] you can easily

obtain the equation […]


Finally, you can express the equation […]


The other forms may be different depending on the point that you choose […]


On, the plane, two straight lines may be […]


You can easily calculate the slope of […]


This formula can be verified using […]


To check […] you can use the following method […]


[…] so you can shade the resulting region […] (x2)


The (x2) means the sentence was repeated.

For example, you can choose the test point […]

Hypothesis: ‘for example’ changes the modal verb so the sentence becomes a


[…] you would have got 1 ≤ 4 -2 […]


[…] and the final solution would be the same.


In this case you should draw it as a broken line […]


In this case […] so you cannot choose it […]


You must take into account that all inequalities must

be verified at the same time, so you must graph the intersection […]


[…] you can easily represent the solution region […]


Given a triangle, we can define three […]
