About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Entrepreneurship and International Business is an open-access journal that, through academic and scientific rigor, seeks to connect the academic field with the business world via the publication of relevant research results and business cases with an informative approach. The main areas of interest are those fields relevant to business organisations (e.g., human resources, innovation, marketing, family business, finance, ICT, sustainable development, etc.) that contribute to understanding the problems of entrepreneurship and internationalisation, with a particular interest in business strategy, since it represents a critical variable in the entrepreneurial and internationalisation processes. The works must be written in simple and direct language with the purpose of providing assistance, and aimed at professionals involved in the management of companies -managers, entrepreneurs...-, as well as public managers, business associations, academics, faculty, students and people interested in the world of management. This magazine has been published every six months since 2016 and is indexed in Latindex.

Journal History

Entrepreneurship and International Business is a journal produced at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria with the purpose of serving as a channel to connect academia and business in two areas of great relevance for the sustained and sustainable development of the economy of any country: creation of companies and their projection into international markets. For this purpose, the journal sets out to edit two annual issues that address issues relevant to business organisations (e.g., human resources, innovation, marketing, family business, finance, ICT, sustainable development, etc.) that contribute to understanding the problems of entrepreneurship and internationalisation, with a particular emphasis on business strategy, as this represents a critical variable in the processes of entrepreneurship and the internationalisation of companies.

The editorial board of this journal brings together researchers from various - mainly Spanish and Portuguese - universities who are experts in complementary areas of specialisation, thus offering a comprehensive treatment of the entrepreneurial and business internationalisation processes.

Blind Evaluation Process

All works published in this journal will be previously subjected to a rigorous review process. The chief editors will receive the papers and, after evaluating them, they will submit them to a blind evaluation process that will be carried out by members of the editorial board or other external researchers. An expert reviewer in the field will perform this blind review. Upon receipt of the evaluation, the responsible editor-in-chief will make a decision on whether to recommend the article to be accepted or rejected for publication, or if changes need to be made by the authors.Being able to recommend the acceptance or rejection of the article for its publication, or the making of changes by the authors.All works published in this journal will be previously subjected to a rigorous review process.Todos los trabajos publicados en esta revista serán previamente sometidos a un riguroso proceso de revisión.

Frequency of Publication

ENI is biannual, so two issues will be published per year that will gather the works accepted for publication subsequent to the review process.ENI is biannual, so it will publish two issues a year that will collect the works accepted for publication after the review process.La ENI es semestral, por lo que publicará dos números al año que recogerán los trabajos aceptados para publicación tras el proceso de revisión.

Open-Access Policy

Open-access journal. This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research benefits a greater global exchange of knowledge. The journal is completely free for both authors and readers, so that no fee will be charged to the authors for the review or publication of their works or to the readers for accessing or downloading them.

Copyright Proposed by Creative Commons 

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0.

The policy proposed for the journal Entrepreneurship and International Business, which offers open access, is detailed below.

Those authors who are published by this journal, accept the following terms:

  1. Authors will retain their copyright and guarantee the journal the right of first publication of their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the Creative Commons Recognition License that allows third parties to share the work as long as its author and its first published in this journal is referenced.
  2. Authors may adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for the distribution of the published version of the work (e.g., deposit it in an institutional telematic archive or publish it in a monographic volume) provided that the initial publication in this journal is indicated.
  3. Authors are allowed and recommended to disseminate their work online (e.g., in institutional telematic files or on their website) before and during the submission process, as this can lead to interesting exchanges and increase citations of the published work (see the effect of open access).

Ethics and Good Practices

The editorial team of the journal Entrepreneurship and International Business takes as a reference the code of conduct and good practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In order to observe these good practices, ENI assumes the following commitments:

  1. The articles are evaluated through a blind review process based on criteria related to the scientific relevance, originality, clarity and interest of the topic addressed for the target audiences of the journal.
  2. Total confidentiality of the evaluation process is guaranteed to both reviewers and authors, whose anonymity is guaranteed. Said confidentiality is also guaranteed with respect to the content evaluated, the report submitted by the reviewers and communications sent by the members of the Editorial Board. Confidentiality regarding possible claims or requests for clarifications by the authors is also guaranteed.
  3. Plagiarism in all or partial content of the submitted works is strictly prohibited and, if identified, will result in elimination from the evaluation process. By accepting the terms and conditions expressed, the authors must guarantee that the articles and the materials associated with it are original and do not infringe copyright, and are compatible with the nature of the dissemination of the scientific research carried out that defines the scope of the journal Entrepreneurship and International Business. In this sense, the authors must report the original scientific publication, if any, that has been the source of the informative work sent to ENI, as well as confirm that the work, in regards to its current form and content as prepared for dissemination through ENI, has not previously been presented to or published by any other media.
  4. Authors may deposit a copy of their work in any other repository of their choice, both the initial versions sent to Entrepreneurship and International Business and the accepted and published versions, in the latter case stating that the work has been published in the journal.

Frequency of Publication

ENI is biannual, so two issues will be published per year that will gather the works accepted for publication subsequent to the review process.


Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Acknowledge of Funding Support

Financial support from Spain’s Economy, Industry and Competitiveness National Department is gratefully acknowledged (Project: ECO2013-41762-P and Project: ECO2016-80518-R).