La formación de estrategias para la rápida internacionalización de las pequeñas empresas


  • Alex Rialp-Criado Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Inmaculada Galván-Sánchez Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Sonia Mª Suárez-Ortega Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


This article reviews and summarizes, by proposing a new taxonomy, the different approaches to strategy formation in companies. This taxonomy is applied to the phenomenon of rapidly internationalizing small firms or born globals, with the aim of broadening our understanding of this phenomenon. The process of strategy formation for successful early internationalization will tend to take a configurational approach, holistic in nature, if we analyze the different phases through which a born global firm passes. Thus, strategy formation will first tend to be more entrepreneurial (emergent strategy) and, over time, increasingly become a planned and systematic process (deliberate strategy).


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