Acquisition of French lexicon for tourism through a WebQuest



Tourism and the Internet, hotel management vocabulary, Webquest, French language, foreign languages learning


The growing flow of the foreign Tourism to Spain demands competent and well-trained professionals. One of the fundamental areas of training is foreign language, and therefore, they  must  dominate  both:  the  general language  and  the  specific  one  that  implies  the precise knowledge of a specialized lexicon not always easy to acquire. To respond to the training needs in foreign languages we present other ways to discover the  lexicon  of  tourism  in  French  language,  specifically  that  of  hotel  management.  The criterion of selection of these terminological section has been determined, firstly, by the verification  of  the  significant  presence  of  Francophone  tourists  in  Spain  at  present; secondly, by the specificity, frequency and difficulty of acquisition of this type of lexicon in professional   practice;   and,   finally,   by   the   interest   of   taking   advantage   of  specific lexicographic tools already available on the web. For  this  purpose, we  present  a WebQuest called À  la  recherche  du  lexique  de  la  gestión hôtelière,  which  contains  a  series  of  guided  activities  that  facilitate  the  discovery  and acquisition of the lexicon of hotel management in its real use.


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Author Biography

Mercedes Sanz Gil, Universitat Jaume I

Profesora Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Filología y Culturas Europeas

Universitat Jaume I


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How to Cite

Sanz Gil, M. (2019). Acquisition of French lexicon for tourism through a WebQuest. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 25(2), 153–172. Retrieved from