The influence of the foreign language certificate regulation on motivation among undergraduates



EFL, motivation, foreign language certificate regulation.


This paper aims to analyse the extent to which the latest changes to the foreign language certificate regulation have influenced undergraduates’ motivation to learn English, especially among final year students at the Centro de Magisterio La Inmaculada. The main reason why we focused on the students in question is the fact that they are divided into different groups depending on their major subject (Science, English, Physical Education and Attention to Diversity), which has enabled us to observe four different profiles. Furthermore, we wanted to explore the possible differences between them regarding two main issues: their motivation to study English as a Foreign Language and their opinions about the change in foreign language regulation at the University of Granada. In order to examine these questions, we created a questionnaire that gathered both quantitative and qualitative data. The results confirmed our hypothesis: the latest regulation has affected students’ motivation towards EFL learning. Now, more than ever, undergraduates opt for learning English to obtain a B1 certificate that will allow them to graduate from University. Moreover, there have been some significant differences between the groups, especially in the case of future English teachers and the rest of specialities.


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Author Biography

Bojana Tulimirovic, University of Granada

Bojana Tulimirovic, PhD, a researcher and a professor at the Centro de Magisterio La Inmaculada (University of Granada) and a teacher at the Business School Granada (ESIC).  She graduated in Spanish Philology at the University of Belgrade and holds two Master’s degrees from the University of Granada: Máster de Estudios Superiores de Lengua Española and a Master’s degree in Education (EFL teaching). Her main areas of research interest are in Phraseology, Lexicography, Applied Linguistics and Pragmatics, both in Spanish and English.


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How to Cite

Tulimirovic, B. (2021). The influence of the foreign language certificate regulation on motivation among undergraduates. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 27(1), 97–112. Retrieved from