Review of Sommer, John Marcus. 2020. English and French Online Comments. A Text Linguistic Comparison of Popular Science Magazines. Berlin: Peter Lang. pp. 317. ISBN 978-3-631-81977-7



review, comments, contrastive linguistics, peter lang


This book approaches a linguistic study of the popular sciences magazines National Geographic, Discover, Sciences et Avenir and GEO from a very original perspective, since the author aims to describe the changes within the genre profiles of the magazines and the differences and similarities between their journalistic cultures. More specifically, since nowadays we live in a world in which social networks are playing an increasingly important role in the journalistic field (Jiménez Cano, 2017), the author focuses on the communicative practices of the readers of these magazines in two languages (French and English) and three platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Magazine-Website) in their print and online versions...


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Author Biography

Elena Alcalde Peñalver, Universidad de Alcalá

Elena Alcalde Peñalver is a researcher and professor at the University of Alcalá and holds a PhD on Financial Translation from the University of Granada (Spain). She also works as a freelance translator and interpreter and has teaching and research experience at national and international level in the fields of foreign languages and translation.


Bousfield, D. (2008). Impoliteness in Interaction. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Brown, P. & Levinson, S. C. (1992). Politeness. Some Universals in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jiménez Cano, R. (2017). Twitter® aumenta el límite a 280 caracteres para todos los usuarios. El País. <,pocas%20semanas%20lo%20tendr%C3%A1n%20todos> [10/02/2021].




How to Cite

Alcalde Peñalver, E. (2021). Review of Sommer, John Marcus. 2020. English and French Online Comments. A Text Linguistic Comparison of Popular Science Magazines. Berlin: Peter Lang. pp. 317. ISBN 978-3-631-81977-7. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 27(1), 185–188. Retrieved from