Review of Edurne Garrido-Anes (2020) A Middle English Version of the Circa Instans, Middle English Texts Series, 59. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, pp. 209. ISBN 978-3-8253-4766-6



edition, medieval medicine, manuscripts, history of science


Medical and scientific manuscripts have been the interest of scholarly attention in recent decades and as a natural consequence, editions of unstudied material have flourished (Alonso-Almeida, 2014 or Marqués-Aguado, T. et alii, 2008, among others). This book is a Middle English edition of one of the most popular works circulating in the late medieval England, known as Circa Instans. This book presents a revised edition of the text found in CUL MS Es 1.13. ff 1r-91v, housed in the Cambridge University Library.


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Author Biography

María José Esteve-Ramos, Universidad Jaume I

María José Esteve Ramos obtained her doctoral thesis (European) about the diachronic evolution of medical language in the field of ophthalmology in 2003. She teaches Old and Middle English at Universitat Jaume I, where she has been a senior lecturer since 2009. She collaborates as a full member of MuStE since 2006, and is currently working in the Coruña Corpus Project. She is a member of the Board of the Catalan Society for the History of Science. Also, she has been director of IULMA (Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas) for six years and has been vicedean of the Humanitites Faculty until July 2018. She has been visiting the ASNC department in Cambridge as Honorary Researcher in 2016., and she has visited the University of Glasgow several times as a visiting researcher. She has organised several conferences, such as the SELIM (Spanish Society for English Medieval Language and Literature) conference in 1995 and 2014, the AHLM (Asociación Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval) in 1996 among many others. Her main research interests are the evolution of scientific English and its specialised lexicon, medieval texts and manuscripts, corpus linguistics and etymology.


Anonymous. (1526). The Grete Herball … translated out of þe Frensshe into Englysshe. London: Peter Treueris.

Alonso-Almeida, F. (2014) A Middle English Medical Remedy Book Edited from Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 185, Middle English Texts, 50. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag.

Brodin, G. (1950). Agnus Castus, A Middle English Herbal: Reconstructed from Various Manuscripts. Uppsala, Lundequistska Bokhandeln.

Culpeper, N. (1652). The English Physician. London: W. Bentley

Esteve-Ramos, M. J. (2020) “The Effects of Manuscripts Contexts in Textual Transmission of Scientific Material: a Comparison of Source from the Sloane Collection.” In: Bellmunt, M & J. Mahiques. Literature, Science and Religion. Textual Transmission and Translation in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Kassel: Reichenberger.

Keiser, G.R. (2008). “Vernacular Herbals: A Growth Industry in Late Medieval England”. In M. Conolly & L.R. Mooney (eds) Design and Distribution of Late Medieval England. Rocherster: Boydell & Brewer: 291-308

Marqués-Aguado, T., Miranda-García, A., and González Fernández-Corugedo, S. (2008). Benvenutus Grassus, The Middle English Ophthalmic Treatise on the Use of the Eye in G.UL. MS Hunter 513 (ff. 1r-37r): An annotated Edition and Study. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga.

McIntosh, A., Samuels, M. L., and Benskin, M. (1986). A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English (LALME). Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press.




How to Cite

Esteve-Ramos, M. J. (2021). Review of Edurne Garrido-Anes (2020) A Middle English Version of the Circa Instans, Middle English Texts Series, 59. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, pp. 209. ISBN 978-3-8253-4766-6. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 27(1), 189–192. Retrieved from