Lenguas en contacto: el caso guaraní / español en la República Argentina


  • Karina Laura Fernández Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


contact of languages, Spanish, Guaraní, Bilingual Intercultural Education, Prestige, Identity, Official tongue, Amerindian Languages


Language is a distinctive feature of human beings which lets them be recog- nized as members of an ethnic group or forming part of a nation. As a result of the different communities relationships, the contact among languages take several results which cause situations of mutual interchange and influences. This problem is in the bottom of the work we present here. We ́ll try to analyze the situation of contact between two languages in the American Continent, one belonging to the conqueror, the Spanish, and the other, belonging to the natives, the Guaraní.

Along the years, different linguistic politics took influences on the persistence or on the loss of Amerindian languages. From the change of the current legislation into the states with aboriginal population, native tongues begin to be object of observation within new educative projects which favour the elementary teaching in native mother tongue to make easier the survival of the Amerindian languages and to avoid pupils fail at school throughout the educational process. 


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How to Cite

Laura Fernández, K. (2015). Lenguas en contacto: el caso guaraní / español en la República Argentina. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 14, 39–50. Retrieved from https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/LFE/article/view/141