Linguistic ideologies on the standard and regional variants of Spanish in two secondary school texts


  • Susana de los Heros University of Rhode Island


critical discourse analysis, regional varieties, Peruvian Spanish, education, hidden curriculum.


From a linguistic point of view, all languages and language varieties serve equally well for communication purposes. However, a number of interconnected language ideologies, assert the superiority of the Standard(s) over all other varieties (Siegel 2006). Given that the Diseño Curricular Nacional Peruano (2005) states its desire to promote respect for language varieties but in an ambivalent way, the present study utilizes CDA to examine the manifestation of language ideologies about language variation, and the value and use of standard and regional dialects of Spanish in two first-year high school textbooks: Talento and Voces. It does so by examining both the content material and the way it is expressed in the text (i.e., word, verbal and mood selections) to determine whether there is a hidden curriculum (Martin Rojo 2000). Linguistic analysis of the texture will reveal whether there is a positive or a prescriptive view of language variation/Spanish regional dialects. Additionally, the two books will be compared so as to determine if the text selected by the Ministerio de Educación better fits the description of the curriculum. 


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How to Cite

de los Heros, S. (2008). Linguistic ideologies on the standard and regional variants of Spanish in two secondary school texts. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 14, 93–126. Retrieved from