The Opinion Essay as Example of Discourse Analysis: Rhetorical Assessment


  • Margarita Esther Sánchez Cuervo Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


argumentation, argument, text, context, Rhetorics, rhetorical figure, discourse, essay, class of text


The argumentative class of texts possesses a certain structure that allows the addressee to recognise the possible controversy of the ideas posed in it, be it for the persuasion of some conflicting view or the mere reflection on what has been uttered. In particular, the opinion essay, as an argumentative exemplar, can be analysed following a rhetorical model regarding a double perspective: the textual analysis of the piece and the contextual assessment, in which some ideological traits can usually be found. To this respect, the student who takes up English for a specific purpose, in this case the analysis of the argumentative discourse, can find in the rhetorical outline that we propose some tools for the depiction of this and other classes of texts he or she may encounter. 


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cuervo, M. E. (2008). The Opinion Essay as Example of Discourse Analysis: Rhetorical Assessment. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 14, 221–240. Retrieved from