Teaching Spanish for Specific Purposes in the occupational field of health sciences


  • Alejandro Elizondo Romero Universidad Veracruzana/ Universidad Anáhuac Veracruz




didactics of foreign languages, Spanish for professional purposes, ESL, medical Spanish, specialised languages


This article describes the importance of teaching Spanish for specific purposes focused within the context of the health sciences and its relevance for employment in the United States. First, the characteristics of teaching for specific purposes, the concept of specialty languages and its differences with traditional foreign language teaching are presented. Subsequently, the place that Spanish occupies at the international level in various aspects of economic and cultural life, such as international trade, diplomacy and health services, among others, is presented, as well as its undisputed place as the second language of use in the United States. Finally, the above is illustrated by describing the operation of the Medical Spanish and Global Health program taught at the Universidad Anahuac-Veracruz in Mexico to U.S. medical students as well as the perspectives of the program's graduates through a series of interviews.


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How to Cite

Elizondo Romero, A. (2024). Teaching Spanish for Specific Purposes in the occupational field of health sciences. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 30, 192–211. https://doi.org/10.20420/rlfe/2024.704