Culture and motivation in English for hospitality students: Why integrative motivation may be essential


  • Laura Victoria Fielden Burns Universidad de Extremadura
  • Mercedes Rico García Universidad de Extremadura


Hospitality / Motivation/ English for Specific Purposes/ Culture/ Integrative/ Adults


Hospitality students are the future negotiators of cultural interaction in our field, and how they imagine culture through their language studies is important. In particular, cultural concepts form an essential part of their motivation to learn a foreign language, in so far as it indicates their willingness to integrate into another culture, as Gardner (1960; 2007) and Dörnyei (2001;1994) have demonstrated. In fact, this integrative motivation has been recognized as one of the key elements for a successful learning outcome in languages. Our research explores whether integrative motivation is ubiquitous in the English for hospitality classroom. In a study with 51 adult English for Hospitality students, it found that students saw culture as malleable and showed a mixed motivational orientation. Based on these findings, some relevant curriculum implications are discussed. Apart from having the necessary practical skills required in the industry, hospitality students and workers also need to be effective communicators by understanding the roots of cultural awareness and the possibility of having more than one cultural identity.


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Author Biographies

Laura Victoria Fielden Burns, Universidad de Extremadura

Dr. Laura V. Fielden currently teaches at the University of Extremadura. Her research interests include motivational factors for adult students and English for Specific Purposes, as well as policy implications for CLIL programs in Spain. She forms part of the University of Extremadura’s GexCALL research group.

Mercedes Rico García, Universidad de Extremadura

Dr. Mercedes Rico is an Associate Professor at University of Extremadura, the institution where she has been teaching Information Technology applied to language learning and communication skills in Engineering for more than 20 years. As coordinator of the GexCALL research group, her main research lines are ESP, multimodal discourse and ICT applied to L2.


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How to Cite

Fielden Burns, L. V., & Rico García, M. (2017). Culture and motivation in English for hospitality students: Why integrative motivation may be essential. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 23(2), 334–358. Retrieved from