Use of the podcast as a teaching resource for improving listening comprehension of English as a second language (L2)



teaching, ubiquitous learning, didactic resource, listening


In a society in which the ubiquitous learning or u-learning (anytime, anywhere) is present in our everyday life and in which the teaching of a second language is not the teaching of a strict rules system, but of a system to obtain an efficient communication, the podcast is used as a didactic resource that helps students to develop the listening skill, in and out of the class. The main purpose of this article is a didactic proposal for the use of the podcast as a resource in the acquisition of a second language, in this study, English, emphasising not only the improvement in this skill, but also to diminish the student’s anxiety and to increase self-esteem, two key factors in the process of learning a language. A questionnaire was made to determine if the use of the podcast and the proposed activities were positive and motivating in relation to the improvement of the listening skill. The first results show that this resource has not only didactic advantages, but it can also be used as a reinforcement for students to maintain the contact with L2 out of the classroom.


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How to Cite

Ortega Barrera, I. (2019). Use of the podcast as a teaching resource for improving listening comprehension of English as a second language (L2). Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 25(2), 9–25. Retrieved from