Refugee crisis, press discourse and the rise of the xenophobic right-wing



migration crisis, political language, journalistic discourse, xenophobia


We are living through a political cycle in which the far right in Europe is making an undeniable and seemingly unstoppable resurgence. The new radical populist right-wing parties have a strong xenophobic profile that capitalises on the refugee crisis. This study tries to find out, within the multiplicity of factors that contribute to political behaviour, what the role press plays in this xenophobic-populist upsurge. Using qualitative and quantitative techniques, based on discourse analysis and descriptive statistics, it aims to clarify the relationship between the refugee crisis, the press, and the far-right in three comparative cases, namely Spain, France and Italy. Through a symbiotic use of semantic fields, regressions and quantitative analysis, most of our hypotheses about the effects of press framing on political behaviour are confirmed.


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How to Cite

Suau Dolón, A. (2022). Refugee crisis, press discourse and the rise of the xenophobic right-wing. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 28(1), 91–107. Retrieved from