Moodle E-learning Platform as a Complementary Tool in ICLHE Contexts



Moodle, CMS, ICLHE/EMI, digital genres, business-related degrees


Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) or EMI (English Medium Instruction) is a topic widely studied nowadays. There are some studies on the learning and teaching processes and beliefs (Author, 2013, Jiménez-Muñoz & Lahuerta-Martínez, 2019) but, as far as we know, no research involves the use of complementary e-learning platforms or Course Management Systems (CMS) (i.e., Moodle). Nowadays, teachers are interweaving different concepts and terms in the classroom, dealing with both digital and traditional genres that have been digitalized and shared through diverse channels to reach their prospective audience. The main concern of this study is to analyse how ICLHE teachers in business-related degrees use Moodle. As the research was in progress during the Coronavirus crisis, it has conditioned in some way the results obtained. We hypothesize that ICLHE teachers may not use the e-learning platform the same way they would do it if they were teaching in the students’ L1 (Spanish/Valencian). We have analyzed the Moodle platform of 5 subjects in business-related degrees (4 EMI and one English for Specific Purposes (ESP) subjects), following our own taxonomy to classify the different resources and activities in the platform, as well as their purpose and use during the course. By means of a triangulation with the subject teachers, we have observed how they use the Moodle platform considering that these subjects are taught in English as an additional language. The analysis has been complemented by interviews with the teachers.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Garrido, M., & Fortanet-Gómez, I. (2022). Moodle E-learning Platform as a Complementary Tool in ICLHE Contexts. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 28(1), 13–26. Retrieved from



Sección Monográfica/Special Issue