Lexicometrics tools in French with university objectives class: specific verbonominal constructions autonomous learning through Sketch Engine



Specific verbonominal constructions, FUO, Sketch Engine, Digital Humanities


French with university objectives (FUO) students are characterized by their heterogeneity in terms of language level, their motivation and the area of knowledge where they apply the foreign language. In this contexte, the teacher must carry out an adaptive and mutualized teaching process, with the purpose of offer resources to the students so that they can fulfill their linguistic needs autonomously. This article focuses on the acquisition of a specific phenomenon: verbonominal constructions, term which, for us, comprehend collocations and support verb constructions (SVC), whose unpredictable selection of the verb hinder their learning. Because of the scarce treatment of these phraseological data in bilingual lexicographical works, we propose to show the didactic applications of the lexicometric tool, Sketch Engine, to learn these constructions in FUO class.  


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How to Cite

Cruz Modesti, H. (2023). Lexicometrics tools in French with university objectives class: specific verbonominal constructions autonomous learning through Sketch Engine. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 29, 9–21. Retrieved from https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/LFE/article/view/1554