V-interESP - Utilização de Vídeos para Melhorar a Experiência de Aprendizagem dos Estudantes ESP: Ensino e Investigação Conjunta Internacional


Palabras clave:

vídeo, ESP, ensino, comunicação, motivação


Tendo como principal objetivo rever abordagens e dinâmicas de ensino e aprendizagem no domínio do Inglês Para Fins Específicos, neste artigo descrevem-se as fases de planificação e implementação da primeira iteração do projeto V-interESP. Este projeto de investigação conjunta contou com a participação de alunos e docentes da Lituânia, Portugal e Sérvia, tendo com principais objetivos contribuir para a compreensão do papel da tecnologia digital, e mais especificamente dos vídeos, na promoção e enriquecimento das experiências dos alunos que frequentam aulas de Inglês para Fins Específicos; e promover a criatividade e a comunicação intercultural neste domínio. Desta forma, tendo por base um questionário inicial aplicado aos alunos, para além da descrição da implementação do projeto, são apresentados resultados preliminares quanto ao perfil dos participantes e as suas percepções, designadamente relativamente ao potencial da utilização de vídeos na aprendizagem de línguas e enquanto fator motivacional e de promoção de competências comunicativas e da criatividade.


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Biografía del autor/a

Sandra Vieira Vasconcelos, Polytechnic Institute of Porto

Sandra Vasconcelos is Guest Assistant Professor at the School of Hospitality and Tourism, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and at Águeda School of Technology and Management, University of Aveiro, Portugal. She holds a PhD in Multimedia in Education and is an integrated member of the Research Centre “Didactics and Technology in Education of Trainers”. 

In addition to teaching Technical English and Intercultural Communication to graduate students, she is involved in a Research Project – “E-Cul-Tours Managing Cultural Heritage in Tourism”, within the scope of ERASMUS+ (Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education). Her research interests include teaching English for Specific Purposes, the use of ICT in Language teaching/learning, blended and online learning, Tourism Education and informal learning.

Ana Balula, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Ana Balula is Assistant Professor and researcher at Águeda School of Technology and Management, University of Aveiro, Portugal. She holds a PhD in Multimedia in Education and is an integrated member of the Research Centre “Didactics and Technology in Education of Trainers” and a team member of two ERASMUS+ (Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education) Research Projects:  “Future-proof your classroom: teaching skills 2030” and “Language Learning Online in the age of Mobility” in the scope of ERASMUS+. Her research interests are in the areas of ESP, e-learning, b-learning, e-assessment, evaluation of e-teaching, online interaction strategies, ICT use in Higher Education and educational technology.

Nijolė Burkšaitienė, Vilnius University

Nijolė Burkšaitienė, Ph.D., is a professor, researcher and translator, expert of the European Commission on Quality teaching in higher education and on Validation of adults’ non-formal and informal learning in higher education, expert of the Research Council of Lithuania. She conducts interdisciplinary research into competence development in higher education, technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education, teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP), creativity and translation studies, discourse analysis, and assessment and evaluation in higher education.

She is author and co-author of about 50 research articles and seven international and national books and book chapters, author and co-author of five ESP workbooks, including Workbook for Law Students (2012) and Workbook for Law and Management Students (2013), and co-translator of four monographs. She is also a member of editorial boards of five international and national research journals. Commendation: Erasmus National Agency Commendation for Strengthening the International Dimension in Higher Education in Lithuania (2012).


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Cómo citar

Vasconcelos, S. V., Balula, A., Burkšaitienė, N., & Stojkovic, N. (2021). V-interESP - Utilização de Vídeos para Melhorar a Experiência de Aprendizagem dos Estudantes ESP: Ensino e Investigação Conjunta Internacional. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 27(1), 74–96. Recuperado a partir de https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/LFE/article/view/1293