Gyf hyr this medycyn: analysing the Middle English recipe medical discourse


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Within the historical studies of the English language, only the literary genre has been traditionally under the spotlight. However, there is a numher of texts which still remain virtually unstudied, at least, as far as their inter- nal structure is concerned. Nevertheless, studies on this particular matter by Manfred Górlach, and Paivi Pahta have enjoyed some attention. In this paper, I present the analysis of the recipes contained in Yale MS 47 (ff 60r- 71v) pointing out the structure of the texts, and the diffe- rent linguistic devices used in the different parts of the medical recipe. 


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Cómo citar

Alonso Almeida, F. (1999). Gyf hyr this medycyn: analysing the Middle English recipe medical discourse. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 6, 47–82. Recuperado a partir de

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