Blaj-Ward, L. (2014) Researching Contexts, Practices and Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 204


  • Antonio Jiménez Muñoz Universidad de Oviedo


English for Academic Purposes, language teaching


Responding to a growing interest in evidence-based research within EAP, Researching Contexts, Practices and Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes is as timely as it is wide-ranging, well-thought and suggestive. It becomes a much-welcome contribution to the literature, as it offers an impressively detailed snapshot of current trends and approaches within educational research as these have been directly applied to EAP. The book is not aimed at active educational researchers, but to “practitioners and decision-makers in the area of supporting international students in English-medium higher education” (p. 2). It reads, as a consequence, as much more than an aggrandized compilation of recent research; strongly driven by context, it offers valuable background knowledge and a wealth of research practices that readers are encouraged to apply to their own contexts...

DOI: 10.20420/rlfe.2015.0016


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Author Biography

Antonio Jiménez Muñoz, Universidad de Oviedo

Antonio Jimenez-Muñoz (BA Hons, PGCE, MA, PhD) is at present associate professor within the Department of English, German, and French Philology at the Universidad de Oviedo, in Spain. He has also taught Linguistics and English for Specific Purposes at the universities of Kent and Hull, in the United Kingdom. He has published applied-linguistic articles in relevant journals such as the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, History and Social CommunicationPorta Linguarum, and Language Value. He has contributed to recent edited collections on evidence-based linguistic research by Oxford University Press, Routledge, and others. His main field of study is the acquisition of English for Specific Purposes in English-as-a-Medium-of-Instruction contexts, particularly in those degrees related to Business Studies. He promotes evidence-based research in plurilingual learning contexts in order to help validate the theoretical tenets put forward by educators, pedagogical approaches and policymakers. He is also a certified teacher trainer in ICT-enhanced language learning for the Spanish government and the regional government of Asturias, in the north of Spain.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Muñoz, A. (2015). Blaj-Ward, L. (2014) Researching Contexts, Practices and Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 204. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 21(2), 161–167. Retrieved from