Memoria verborum in Johannes Romberch’s Congestorium artificiosae memoriae




Romberch, Congestorium, ars memorativa, memoria verborum, imago


From classical rhetoric onwards, it has been acknowledged that memory can help to remember words as well as content, that is, memoria verborum versus memoria rerum. Although the volume of the treatises on ars memorativa had been progressively increasing, there is no integral explanation for the uses and applications of memoria verborum. Likewise, in modern studies, this method has sometimes been confused with the formation of images from their signifier (imagines vocales or a verbo). In the present article a definition of this resource in the light of the encyclopaedic work of Johannes Romberch, author of the Congestorium artificiosae memoriae (Venice, 1520) is offered.

Supporting Agencies 

This article is part of a research project funded by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and the Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda of the Regional Government of Extremadura [Project code: IB20180].


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Author Biography

Marta Ramos Grané, Universidad de Extremadura

Marta Ramos Grané is a predoctoral researcher at Universidad de Extremadura, Spain. After completing a Master’s thesis on the Congestorium artificiosae memoriae by Johannes Romberch, the author has devoted herself to write up the critical edition, translation and study of the aforementioned treatise. As a result of the analysis of this ars, there are several contributions on the influence of the Kabbalah in the arts of memory, the tradition of Romberch’s manual and on the key elements of the ars memorativa at the height of the discipline (1480-1520), all of them published in national and international journals. She is currently developing comparative studies on other mnemonic treatises.


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How to Cite

Ramos Grané, M. (2023). Memoria verborum in Johannes Romberch’s Congestorium artificiosae memoriae. Philologica Canariensia, 29, 295–305.


