The Hyperverse in the "novísimos" Generation




literary theory, metrics, free verse, hyperverse, novísimos


This article examines the “hyperverse”, as I will call the metric unit longer than the typical free verse line. The free verse innovates the modernist silva by introducing the versículo, a compound line whose members share the general hendecasyllabic rhythm. The prosification of Juan Ramón Jiménez’s last poems meant a radical evolution of the free verse, but this move remained marginal. However, the hyperverse of the “novísimos” arises in the sixties as a link between the original free verse and its prosified variety. Besides, the hyperverse is a characterizing feature of the poetry of the “novísimos” which relates their generation to the vanguard.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Márquez Guerrero, Universidad de Huelva

Miguel Ángel Márquez Guerrero is Professor of Literary Theory at the Universidad de Huelva, Spain.


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How to Cite

Márquez Guerrero, M. Ángel. (2017). The Hyperverse in the "novísimos" Generation. Philologica Canariensia, 23, 49–62.


