

Web of Science - ESCI - Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate)

JCR / JCI - Journal Citation Reports / Journal Citation Indicator (Clarivate): Language & Linguistics 2022 (Q3)

InCites (Clarivate)

Scopus (Elsevier): Literature and Literary Theory 2023 (Q2), Language and Linguistics 2023 (Q3)

SJR - Scimago Journal & Country Rank (Literature and Literary Theory 2023: Q1; Linguistics and Language 2023: Q2)

Seal of Editorial and Scientific Excellence (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology): 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Ranking of journals with the FECYT Seal of Quality (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology): Literature and Linguistics 2022 (Q2)

ERIH PLUS - European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals

Latindex - Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (Catalog v2.0 — Number of criteria fulfilled out of 38: 38)

EBSCO Essentials

Humanities International Index (EBSCO)

Humanities Source (EBSCO)

Humanities Source Ultimate (EBSCO)

Linguistics Abstracts Online (EBSCO)

MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)

MLA Directory of Periodicals (Modern Language Association Database)

Dialnet (Fundación Dialnet)

Dialnet Metrics (Philologies 2022: Q1)

Ulrichsweb - Global Serials Directory (ProQuest)

CAPES - Portal de Periódicos (Governo Federal. Ministério da Educação do Brasil)

JUFO Portal - Julkaisufoorumi (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies): Level 1

Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (HK - Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills): Level 1

Linguistic Bibliography (Brill)

MIAR - nformation Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (Diffusion: c2+m2+e1+x6)

ICI World of Journals (Index Corpernicus International)

ICI Journal Master List 2022 (Index Corpernicus International)

UNE - Union of Spanish University Publishers

IBR Online - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (De Gruyter)

IBZ Online - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (De Gruyter)

EZB – Electronic Journals Library (Universität Regensburg)

ZDB - Zeitschriftendatenbank (Deutsche National Bibliothek / Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)

ROAD - Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources

CIRC - Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals (EC3metrics): Group B

PRISMA - US Research Overview (Universidad de Sevilla)


RI - Regesta Imperii (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz)

SUDOC - Système universitaire de documentation (Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur)

ABCD Index

ASCI - Asian Science Citation Index

Genamics JournalSeek

JournalTOCs (School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University)

OAJI - Open Academic Journals Index

Cosmos (Cosmos Foundation)

BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (Bielefeld University Library)

Dimensions (Digital Science & Research Solutions)

Scinapse - Academic Search Engine (Pluto)


OAIster (OCLC)

WorldCat (OCLC)

Google Scholar

Semantic Scholar (AI2 - The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)

Hispana - Online Access to Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain)

REBIUN - Network of University and Scientific Libraries

Library Hub Discover (Jisc)

Hispanic Studies Journals & Academic Press


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