¡Esto es Hollywood: preparados, listos y acción! Un proyecto educativo para mejorar la pronunciación inglesa en la Educación secundaria.



Educational Project, English Pronunciation, Secondary Education, Short films, Oral Expression


English has become the lingua franca, and thus, an important tool of communication which has connected the world in a way we never thought. As important as it is, a well understanding in oral situations is needed, as without it, misunderstanding and awkward situations can take place. Pronunciation plays an important role here, since it enables an effective communication with the native speaker. In Spain, the EFL teaching methods still focus more on written skills rather than on oral skills, and thus, the teaching of pronunciation is often push in the background. Cinema provides a genuine and natural environment to work the communicative approach in a motivating way. The purpose of this paper is to present an innovative educational project proposal based on the author’s previous work (Imbernón, 2016) which serves as a model to improve the English level of pronunciation in secondary school students by means of filmmaking activities.


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Author Biography

Virginia Mª Imbernón Pérez, Universidad de Murcia

Virginia Imbernón Pérez holds a Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, in the speciality of EFL, and a Master's Degree in Teacher Training in the field of languages. She does research in Primary and Secondary Education, Educational Technology, Cinema and English Didactics. Virginia is currently a PhD Student at Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, University of Murcia.


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How to Cite

Imbernón Pérez, V. M. (2019). ¡Esto es Hollywood: preparados, listos y acción! Un proyecto educativo para mejorar la pronunciación inglesa en la Educación secundaria. El G U I N I G U a D a, (28). Retrieved from https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/ElGuiniguada/article/view/1000


