The youth novel of female authorship in Catalan literature of the 21st century: authors and significant titles



Woman, youth novel, 21st century, realism, fantasy


In this article we present an overview of the youth novel of female authorship written in Catalan and published in the 21st century. We will cite writers who compose novels of marked realistic character, in which it appear topics related to love and personal and social conflicts, and fantastic novels, which also fit science fiction. The presentation allows us to talk about the excellent state of health that this type of literature enjoys in the 21st century, if we consider the quantity and quality of the referred works.


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How to Cite

Selfa Sastre, M. (2020). The youth novel of female authorship in Catalan literature of the 21st century: authors and significant titles. El G U I N I G U a D a, (29), 65–74. Retrieved from



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