The culture that generates friendship Networks



Cultura, Amistad, Transformador


The arts can generate transformations that contribute to improving people's lives. Approaching cultural phenomena in the field of language and literature from this perspective can favour quality human relations, which have a significant influence on the development of long, happy and healthy life paths. This article analyses how the phenomenon of improvised versolarism in the Basque language (bertsolaritza) has become a social movement which works to create spaces for socialisation in which networks of friendship are woven between the participants. Using a research methodology which enables the egalitarian co-creation of knowledge, 32 people of the field of versolarism were interviewed. The results of the study coincide with previously published research, as they suggest that the space of culture can promote the construction of egalitarian relationships and that this makes possible deep transformations that improve people's lives.


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How to Cite

Zubiri-Esnaola, H. (2021). The culture that generates friendship Networks: El G U I N I G U a D a, (30), 82–92. Retrieved from



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