MOOCs: From a constructivist approach to a reliant paradigm


  • Florence Locajono Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


constructivism, connectivism, complexity, paradigm, MOOC, FFE, Edgar Morin, reliance


Much has been written about the MOOC phenomenon (Massive Online Open Courses), however, this is not an ICTE (Information and Communications Technology for Educational purposes) panegyric that we offer here. Instead,the objective is to make the most of these emergent educational modalities in order to start a reflection on the value of scientific criteriain educationalresearch with a focus on French as Foreign Language (FFL). We will first show that many concepts seen as cutting edge educational innovations were actually imagined many years before. Therefore, we will see that it is only thanks to a favorable historical and technological context that the 2.0 education was born. This first point invites us to re-thinkconstructivism, the dominant paradigm for research in education, and to investigate the pertinence of this central model within the knowledge society. In fact, characteristics of complex thought, as described by Edgar Morin, allow a more integrative, thusmore realistic approach of the pedagogical equation and announce the possibility of a new paradigm: the “reliance” paradigm.


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Author Biography

Florence Locajono, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



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How to Cite

Locajono, F. (2016). MOOCs: From a constructivist approach to a reliant paradigm. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 22(1), 12–30. Retrieved from



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