The process of building the upper-level hierarchy for the aircraft structure ontology to be integrated in FunGramKB


  • Ángel Felices-Lago University of Granada
  • Ángela Alameda-Hernández University of Granada


FunGramKB, terminology, ontology building, taxonomic hierarchy, aircraft ontology


In this article we collect a corpus of texts which operate with a controlled language (ASD Simplified Technical English) in order to facilitate the development of a new domain-specific ontology (the aircraft structure) based on a technical discipline (aeronautical engineering) included in the so called “hard” sciences. This new repository should be compatible with the Core Ontology and the corresponding English Lexicon in FunGramKB (a multipurpose lexico-conceptual knowledge base for natural language processing (NLP)), and, in the same vein, should eventually give support to aircraft maintenance management systems. By contrast, in previous approaches we applied a stepwise methodology for the construction of a domain-specific subontology compatible with FunGramKB systems in criminal law, but the high occurrence of terminological banalisation and the scarce number of specific terms, due to the social nature of the discipline, were added problems to the most common NLP difficulties (polysemy and ambiguity). Taking into consideration previous results and the complexity of this task, here we only intend to take the first step towards the modelling of the aircraft ontology: the development of its taxonomic hierarchy. Consequently, the hierarchy starts with the whole system (i.e., an aircraft) and follows the traditional decomposition of the system down to the elementary components (top-down approach). At the same time, we have collected a corpus of 2,480 files of aircraft maintenance instructions, courtesy of Airbus in Seville. For the bottom-up approach (under construction), we consult specialised references end explore the corpus through the identification and extraction of term candidates with DEXTER, an online multilingual workbench especially designed for the discovery and extraction of terms.


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Author Biographies

Ángel Felices-Lago, University of Granada

Ángel Felices-Lago is Full Professor and works as a member of the Department of English and German Philology (University of Granada, Spain) since 1984. He teaches English and Spanish for business and tourism. His main areas of research interest go from lexicology, discourse analysis and axiological linguistics to NLP applied to LSP. He has co-authored or co-edited 10 scholar and pedagogical books or textbooks and has also published over 80 scholarly articles and reviews in specialized national and international journals and volumes. He has served as invited reviewer or member on the editorial and scientific boards of a dozen journals and has also led or taken part in various international academic projects funded the Spanish Ministry of Education or the European Union (Tempus, Leonardo, Erasmus, Erasmus-Mundus, etc.).

Ángela Alameda-Hernández, University of Granada

Ángela Alameda-Hernández is Assistant Lecturer at the Department of English and German Philology, University of Granada (Spain), where she teaches English Grammar and English culture. Her main research interests are discourse analysis, terminology and NLP. She has extensively published academic articles, book chapters and a textbook on these topics, including media discourse, specialized terminology and on foreign language didactics. She has taken part in a number of pedagogical innovation projects and research projects funded both by the University of Granada and by the Spanish Ministry of Education.


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How to Cite

Felices-Lago, Ángel, & Alameda-Hernández, Ángela. (2017). The process of building the upper-level hierarchy for the aircraft structure ontology to be integrated in FunGramKB. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 23(2), 86–110. Retrieved from



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