Policy on discriminatory conduct and on sex, gender and equity in research


  • The editors and the editorial board of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos strongly support an evaluation of manuscripts that relies on academic grounds and reviews should be polite and respectful. Signs of discrimination in terms of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, economic status, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors will not be tolerated.
  • Editorial correspondence shall be respectful and shall avoid any discriminatory behaviour or language.
  • The editors of Revista de lenguas para fines específicos will not accept cases of bullying, harassment, and/or biased criticism against others under any circumstances.
  • The editors of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos firmly believe diversity enhances editorial and scientific quality.

Sex, Gender and Equity:

  • The editors of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos endorse SAGER –Sex and Gender Equity in Researchguidelines.
  • The editors of Revista de lenguas para fines específicos will do their best to guarantee inclusive language.
  • The editors of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos will be on the lookout for any abusive and sexist expressions. These expressions are unacceptable.
  • The editors of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos may refuse to continue to interact with anyone whose behaviour is found to be contrary to the Journal’s policy on discriminatory conduct.
  • The editors of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos must ensure that the Editorial Board and Advisory Board include both male and female experts.
  • The editors of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos must include both male and female linguists. The editors cannot be only women or only men.
  • The editors of Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos may follow SAGER flowchart in the initial screening of the submitted paper or book review.


  • Prospective authors are advised to write their papers avoiding discriminatory references on the grounds of race, age, gender, location, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, beliefs, human rights, social status, economic status, political alignment, and/or scientific positioning.
  • As a general idea, authors are kindly asked to use neutral and respectful language to describe study participants. They should avoid stigmatizing language.

Sex, Gender and Equity:

  • Prospective authors are recommended to use inclusive language in order to avoid gender discrimination.
  • Authors are encouraged to include and report sex and gender considerations in their research.
  • Authors should use the terms “sex” (biological factors) and “gender” (identity, psychological, social or cultural factors) correctly.
  • When participants in a study are living beings, the description of the terms "sex" and "gender" is critical. An explanatory statement is required whenever an exclusive population is studied (women only or men only).
  • Authors are asked to specify the sex/gender of research subjects in the title and the abstract of their articles.
  • Authors are asked to present data disaggregated by sex/gender.
  • Authors are kindly asked to read the SAGER guidelines (alternatively a quick reference may be accessed as a flyer).


  • Reviewers are kindly asked to evaluate manuscripts relying solely on academic grounds.
  • Reviewers are kindly asked to avoid any discriminatory behaviour or language in their reports.
  • Reviews should be impartial, polite and respectful. Signs of discrimination in terms of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, economic status, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors will not be accepted, and a new review will be commissioned to another specialist.

Sex, Gender and Equity:

  • Reviewers are encouraged to consider the journal’s sex, gender and equity policy in the evaluation of manuscripts.
  • Reviewers are asked to identify the correct use of the terms sex (biological factors) and gender (identity, psychological, social or cultural factors) and include this information in their reports.
  • Reviewers are kindly asked to read the guidelines given above for authors.
  • Reviewers are kindly asked to read the SAGER guidelines (alternatively a quick reference may be accessed as a flyer).
  • Reviewers are kindly asked to use inclusive language in order to avoid gender discrimination.
  • Reviewers are kindly asked to communicate the editors cases of abusive and sexist expressions in the articles reviewed.