Citations & References
On submitting an article, you should cite other works (articles, books, etc.) using the corresponding guidelines following the 7th edition APA reference examples manual. This means that you need to create an in-text citation when quoting another source, or whenever you paraphrase another source in your own words.
All sources cited in the text must appear in the reference list at the end of the document.
1. Parenthetical Citation
1.1. Textual Citation
“Eurípides también recurrió a las metáforas y, en menor medida, a los símiles en la composición dramática para completar aspectos que deseaba enfatizar en la caracterización de sus personajes” (Calero Secall, 2020, p. 109).
1.2. Paraphrase Citation
In orden to describe the characters of his tragedies Euripides used similes and, especially, metaphors; two resources that allowed him to emphasize certain aspects of these characters (Calero Secall, 2020, p. 109).
2. Narrative Citation
2.1. Textual Citation
Calero Secall (2020) states that “Eurípides también recurrió a las metáforas y, en menor medida, a los símiles en la composición dramática para completar aspectos que deseaba enfatizar en la caracterización de sus personajes” (p. 109).
Calero Secall states that “Eurípides también recurrió a las metáforas y, en menor medida, a los símiles en la composición dramática para completar aspectos que deseaba enfatizar en la caracterización de sus personajes” (2020, p. 109).
2.2. Paraphrase Citation
According to Calero Secall (2020), Euripides used metaphors and, to a lesser extent, similes to emphasize certain features of the characters in his tragedies (p. 109).
According to Calero Secall (2020, p. 109), Euripides used metaphors and, to a lesser extent, similes to emphasize certain features of the characters in his tragedies.
1. Parenthetical Citation
“la percepción del espectáculo como un proceso efímero y autónomo, desligado de un texto previo; la impugnación de conceptos como intriga o lógica narrativa; el destierro de la actividad representacional, a favor de la presentación de corte performativo; la ritualización de la escena […]” (Carrera Garrido, 2016, as cited in García Barrientos, 2021, p. 37).
2. Narrative Citation:
According to Carrera Garrido (2016, as cited in García Barrientos, 2021, p. 37), post-dramatic theatre is characterized by the following features, among others: “la percepción del espectáculo como un proceso efímero y autónomo, desligado de un texto previo; la impugnación de conceptos como intriga o lógica narrativa; el destierro de la actividad representacional, a favor de la presentación de corte performativo; la ritualización de la escena […]”.
3. Citing corporations, institutions and foundations as authors
A group name may be abbreviated to an acronym if it is commonly known by the acronym, as if not doing so would cause long repetitive entries within the text, or if the group is mentioned three or more times within the text. For example, “American Psychological Association” may appear as APA.
(APA, 2019, p. 80)
On the other hand, when the acronym is not well known, the full name of the organization should be written in the first citation and its abbreviation should be inserted in square brackets after the full name.
(Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española [ASALE], 2010, p. 60)
4. Citation of two authors or editors
Fernández López and Sáenz Herrero (2008) consider…
(Fernández López & Sáenz Herrero, 2008, p. 58) [at the end of the citation]
5. Citation of more than two authors or editors
López Morales et al. (2014) point out…
(López Morales et al., 2014, p. 11) [at the end of the citation]
This rule applies to citations and not to references. Do not use "et al." if this creates ambiguity in the citation.
6. Citation of multiple sources
The third example shows all the features of aspectual use: dynamism, limited duration, temporality, and non-completeness, as observed by several linguists (Quirk et al., 1985; Biber et al., 1999; Huddleston & Pullum, 2002).
The hypothesis of the Romanesque origin of English progressive construction is supported by Jespersen (1931, p. 165), Mossé (1938, pp. 132-200), Strang (1970, pp. 280-311), and Baugh & Cable (2000, p. 292).
To illustrate the discussion presented in this article, we shall start with the results obtained from the statistical analysis of the York-Toronto-Helsinki-Penn corpus, as well as the qualitative analysis of 1,480 progressive occurrences extracted from that set (cf. Van Arkel-Simón, 2018, 2019, 2020).
7. Citation of an anonymous work
If a document is authored by “Anonymous”, use “Anonymous” in the citation instead of the author’s last name, for example, (Anonymous, 2015, p. 42). “Anonymous” should also be used as the author name in the corresponding reference entry.
If the work you are referencing does not name an author (which is different from Anonymous being the identified author), use the first few words of the title. If the title is not italicized in the references, use double quotation marks with the title in the in-text citation, for example, “quoted text” (“First Few Words”, year, p. X); italicize the title in the in-text citation if it is also italicized in the reference list. Use this title in place of the author name in the corresponding reference entry as well.
Before using the first few words of the title, check whether the source has a corporate or group author. For example, a report obtained from an organization’s website may not list the specific authors of the text, but if the organization is responsible for or produced the resource, list this organization as the group author. For example: (APA, 2020, p. 265).
To directly quote from written material that does not contain page numbers (e.g., webpages and websites, or some ebooks), you should provide readers with an altenative way of locating the cited text. Use any of the following accepted recommendations as the best means to help readers find the quotation within the cited source.
- Provide a heading or section name. It is acceptable to abbreviate a long or unwieldy heading or section name: (Gecht-Silver & Duncombe, 2015, Osteoarthritis section).
- Provide a paragraph number (count the paragraphs manually if they are not numbered): (Chamberlin, 2014, para. 1).
- Provide a heading or section name in combination with a paragraph number: (DeAngelis, 2018, Musical Forays section, para. 4).
Each published source cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each work in the reference list must be cited in the text. Entries in the reference list should appear in alphabetical order according to the author’s or editor’s surname followed by the initials of their given first names. In cases where two or more authors have the same surname, the sources should be listed in alphabetical order based on their initials.
Where two entries correspond to the same author or editor, the source should be listed chronologically from oldest to the most recent.
Where there are two entries with the same author/s and publication year/s, include lowercase letters immediately after the year, e.g.,
SÁNCHEZ MÉNDEZ, J. P. (2012a). El estudio de la historia de la pronunciación hispanoamericana y sus bases documentales: temas y problemas. Revista de Investigación Lingüística, 15, 131-158.
SÁNCHEZ MÉNDEZ, J. P. (2012b). Aspectos para la elaboración de un corpus diacrónico de documentos hispanoamericanos. In M. J. Torrens Álvarez & P. Sánchez-Prieto Borja (Eds.), Nuevas perspectivas para la edición y estudio de documentos hispánicos antiguos (pp. 282-296). Peter Lang.
If the publication has up to 20 authors, include all the author names and put an & before the last name.
If the work has 21 or more authors, include the first 19, then three full stops (with spaces in between and around) and then the last author (without a preceding &).
WISKUNDE, B., ARSLAN, M., FISCHER, P., NOWAK, L., VAN DEN BERG, O., COETZEE, L., JUÁREZ, U., RIYAZIYYAT, E., WANG, C., ZHANG, I., LI, P., YANG, R., KUMAR, B., XU, A., MARTINEZ, R., MCINTOSH, V., IBÁÑEZ, L. M., MÄKINEN, G., VIRTANEN, E., . . . KOVÁCS, A. (2019). Indie pop rocks mathematics: Twenty One Pilots, Nicolas Bourbaki, and the empty set. Journal of Improbable Mathematics, 27(1), 1935-1968.
The in-text citation is: (Wiskunde et al., 2019).
The following types of sources should not be included in the reference list:
- General mentions of web pages and periodicals do not require in-text citations or entries in the reference list because the use is extensive and the source is familiar.
- Personal communications such as e-mails, phone calls, or text messages are cited only in the text, not in the reference list, because readers cannot retrieve personal communications.
- Sentences or messages from possible research interviewees may be presented and discussed in the text, but they do not need citations or entries in the reference list. In this case, citations and reference list entries are not necessary because the quotations correspond to original research. In addition, they could also compromise the confidentiality of the participants, which could be considered ethical infringement.
- The source of an acknowledgement does not usually appear in the list of references, unless the work is a published book or academic journal. For example, if you add an inspirational quotation from a famous person at the beginning of your paper, the source does not appear in the reference list because it is mereley intended to provide an opening for the paper, and not as a means to justify a key point.
1. Printed book
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition if given and is not first edition). Publisher Name. (Original work published in Year, if it is not first edition).
WARD, A. (2011). History and chronicles in late medieval Iberia: Representations of Wamba in late medieval narrative histories. Brill.
GUTIÉRREZ, J. I. (1999). Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera y sus cuentos: De la crónica periodística al relato de ficción. Peter Lang.
Book with more than one author:
SELDEN, R., WIDDOWSON, P., & BROOKER, P. (2001). La teoría literaria contemporánea (J. G. López Gix y B. Ribera de Madariaga, trans.; 3rd updated ed.). Ariel. (Original work published in 1985).
2. Digital book (with DOI or, failing that, URL)
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition if given and is not first edition). Publisher Name. DOI Number or URL.
MASO, S. (2022). Cicero’s philosophy. De Gruyter.
SCHELL, K. (2020). Perspectives from a non-dominant language community on education in a multilingual city. SIL International.
DOIs and URLs are not preceded by “Retrieved Month Day, Year, from” unless a retrieval date is required. Unfortunately, however, determining which situations require this date can be challenging. If you use a stable, archived version of a web page, no retrieval date is needed. But if you use a web page that is continually updated, providing a retrieval date can help clarify inconsistencies between the page when viewed and when viewed by the reader. For example:
WOOLF, V. (2017). Orlando. Freeditorial. Retrieved February 9, 2022, from
3. Translated book
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if any (First Initial. Second Initial if Given. Translator’s Last name; edition if given and is not first edition). Publisher Name. (Original work published in Year).
CUSSET, F. (2005). French Theory: Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze & Cía. y las mutaciones de la vida intelectual en Estados Unidos (M. S. Nasi, Trans.). Melusina. (Original work published in 2003).
4. Edited or compiled book
EDITOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Ed., Coord. or Comp.). (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition if given and is not first edition). Publisher Name.
MÁRQUEZ MONTES, C. (Coord.). (2008). Isadora Aguirre: Entre la historia y el compromiso. Universidad de Sevilla.
TIMMER, N. (Ed.). (2018). Cuerpos ilegales: Sujeto, poder y escritura en América Latina. Almenara.
MARTÍN RODRÍGUEZ, A. M.ª, & SANTANA HENRÍQUEZ, G. (Coords.). (2006). El Humanismo español, su proyección en América y Canarias en la época del Humanismo. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
5. Multi-volume book
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if any (Vol. Number). Publisher Name.
BOBES, C., BAAMONDE, G., CUETO, M, FRECHILLA E., & MARFUL, I. (1998). Historia de la teoría literaria: Transmisores. Edad Media. Poéticas clasicistas (Vol. 2). Gredos.
KRISTEVA, J. (1981). Semiótica (J. Martín Arancibia, Trans.; 2nd ed., Vol. 2). Fundamentos. (Original work published in 1969).
6. Re-edited book
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition if given and is not first edition). Publisher Name. (Original work published in Year).
GARRIDO, M. Á. (2004). Nueva introducción a la Teoría de la Literatura (4th ed.). Síntesis. (Original work published in 2000).
7. Anonymous book
For an unknown author, do not use “Anonymous” as the author unless the work is actually signed “Anonymous”. If the work is signed “Anonymous”, use “Anonymous” in the reference and in-text citation.
ANONYMOUS. (Year of Publication). Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition if given and is not first edition). Publisher Name. (Original work published in Year, if it is not first edition).
ANONYMOUS. (1952). Poema de Mio Cid y Cantar de Rodrigo. Iberia.
If the work is not actually signed “Anonymous”, the title moves to the beginning of the reference and is used in place of the author name.
Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition if given and is not first edition). (Year of Publication). Publisher Name.
The epic of Gilgamesh. (1973). Penguin.
1. Printed book chapter
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of chapter: Subtitle if any. In First initial of editor's name. Second Initial if Given. Last Name (Ed. or Eds. if more than one, Comp. or Comps., Coord. or Coords.), Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition if given and is not first edition, pp. first page number-last page number). Publisher Name.
HERNÁNDEZ CABRERA, C. E., & SAMPER HERNÁNDEZ, M. (2011). Rasgos fónicos regionales en los noticiarios de la televisión autonómica canaria. La velarización de la nasal final. In R. Ávila (Ed.), Variación del español en los medios (pp. 267-288). El Colegio de México.
SLEE, R. (2014). Inclusive schooling as an apprenticeship in democracy? In L. Florian (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of special education (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 217–229). SAGE Publications
2. Digital book chapter (with DOI or, failing that, URL)
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of chapter: Subtitle if any. In First initial of editor's name. Second Initial if Given. Last Name (Ed. or Eds. if more than one, Comp. or Comps., Coord. or Coords.), Title of book: Subtitle if any (edition if given and is not first edition, pp. first page number-last page number). Publisher Name. DOI Number or URL.
SAMPER PADILLA, J. A. (2011). Sociophonological variation and change in Spain. En M. Díaz-Campos (Ed.), The handbook of Hispanic sociolinguistics (pp. 98-120). Wiley-Blackwell.
LOUIS, A. (2021). Premiers pas d’un traducteur-éditeur. En G. Guerrero & G. Camenen (Eds.), La literatura latinoamericana en versión francesa: Trabajos del equipo MEDET LAT (pp. 19-31). De Gruyter.
BITTAR, S. R. (2019). Recorrido por el imaginario literario patagónico. En L. A. Mellado (Coord.), La Patagonia habitada: Experiencias identidades y memorias en los imaginarios artísticos del sur argentino (pp. 39-50). Universidad Nacional de Río Negro.
1. Article published in a printed journal
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Name of Journal, Volume Number(Issue Number), first page number-last page number.
WHITE, H. Literature against fiction: Postmodernist history. La Torre, 2(4-5), 194-207.
If a journal article does not have a volume number, omit it and put the issue number in brackets as usual practice.
RAMOS-GAY, I. (2006). La muerte de Thomas Becket en T. S. Eliot y Jean Anouilh: entre historicidad y alegoría. 1616: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada, (12), 273-283.
Sometimes the year will double as the volume number, so in this case include it in as the volume number.
MATEO DEL PINO, Á. (2011). Gemidos de animal feroz enamorado. Winétt en Pablo de Rokha. Hispamérica, 40(118), 3-19.
2. Article published in a digital journal (with DOI or, failing that, URL)
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Name of Journal, Volume Number(Issue Number), first page number-last page number. DOI Number or URL.
PÉREZ GIL, M.ª del M. (2016). A vampire in Plato’s cave: Mimesis, anamorphosis and simulacra in Angela Carter’s "The lady of the house of love". Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 57(5), 512-520.
RODRÍGUEZ HERRERA, G. (2017). Reescrituras y censura social en Mitos y semidiosas de Gustavo García Saraví. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 94(2), 321-340.
MUNTEANU COLÁN, D. (2008). Breves reflexiones sobre Amadís de Gaula y la literatura caballeresca. Estudios Románicos, 16-17(1), 79-789.
3. Article published in a printed newspaper or magazine
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Name of Newspaper or Magazine, first page number-last page number if applicable.
LLARENA GONZÁLEZ, A. (1999, February 15). Para gozar con Borges: una breve lectura narrativa. La Tribuna de Canarias, 59.
4. Article published in a digital newspaper or magazine
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle if any. Name of Newspaper or Magazine. URL.
LUIS, N. (2020, March 6). ¿Por qué la moda (y la exposición del Met) están tan obsesionados con Orlando? Vogue.
5. Anonymous article
If the author is unknown, the title of the article moves to the author position (this usually occurs in articles published in periodical press and in magazines, but never in works published in scholarly journals).
Title of article. (Year, Month Day). Name of Newspaper o Magazine, first page number-last page number if applicable. URL if applicable.
Elizabeth Taylor, Jim Harrison and other letters to the editor. (2022, January 28). New York Times.
AUTHOR OF REVIEW’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication). Title of Review if Given. [Review of the book Title of Book: Subtitle if Any, by Book Author’s First Initial. Second Initial if Given. Last Name]. Name of Journal, Volume Number(Issue Number), first page number-last page number. DOI number or URL if Given.
GARGALLO GIL, J. E. (2007). [Review of the book Breve historia de la lingüística románica, by D. Monteanu Colán]. Estudis Romànics, 29, 370-374.
1. Work published online
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year). Title: Subtitle [Type of thesis, name of institution awarding degree]. Name of archive or site. URL.
GARCÍA, S. G. (2017). El proyecto lírico permanente: La comunicación en la poesía [Doctoral Thesis, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria]. Dialnet.
2. Unpublished work
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year). Title: Subtitle [Unpublished type of thesis]. Name of institution awarding the degree.
OXBROW, G. (2003). Aprendiendo a aprender: La influencia de una formación integrada en estrategias de aprendizaje metacognitivas y socio-afectivas aplicada al desarrollo de la expresión escrita en lengua extranjera en un contexto universitario [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
INTERVIEWER’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication, or (Year, Month and Day if applicable). Title of interview: Subtitle if any. Name of Journal o Magazine, Volume Number(Issue Number) if applicable, first page number-last page number if applicable. DOI Number or URL si applicable.
TELLEZ, F., & MAZZONI, B. (2007). The pocket-size interview with Jacques Derrida (T. Cruz, trans.). Critical Inquiry, 33(2), 362-388.
MARTÍNEZ AHRENS, J. (2018, March 9). Noam Chomsky: “La gente ya no cree en los hechos” [interview]. El País.
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year, Month Day-Day). Title of the contribution: Subtitle if any [Type of contribution: Conference session, Paper presentation, Keynote address, Poster presentation, etc.]. Conference Name, Location (city, country). DOI or URL of website, or URL of the video if applicable.
SOSNOWSKI, S. (2019, July 7-12). Andrés Rivera recita su ‘kadish’ [Oral communication]. XX Congreso Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Jerusalem, Israel.
To reference communications or papers published in a conference proceedings volume, the same criterion will be followed as for book chapters.
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication, Month Day if applicable). Title of work: Subtitle if any. Site Name. URL.
TRAPERO, M. (n. d.). Archivo sonoro de literatura oral de Canarias. Memoria Digital de Canarias de la Biblioteca de la ULPGC.
BOYD, W. (n. d.). Larga vida al cuento. Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva.
MAMBROL, N. (2016, April 27). Feminist: An essay.
DIRECTOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if is Given. (Director). (Year). Title of film [Film]. Production Company.
SCORSESE, M. (Director). (1993). The age of innocence [Film]. Columbia Pictures.
WRITER, PRODUCER AND/OR DIRECTOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Job Title). (Year-Year). TV series title [TV series]. Production Company.
GILLIGAN, V., JOHNSON, M., & MACLAREN, M. (Executive producers). (2008–2013). Breaking bad [TV series]. High Bridge Entertainment; Gran Via Productions; Sony Pictures Television.
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video: Subtitle if any [Format]. Platform Name. URL.
MACAT (2016, April 14). An introduction to the discipline of Literature [Video]. YouTube.
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. [@username if the social medium is X, Instagram or Linkedln] (Year, Month Day). Title of entry [Format: Status update, Tweet, Image with link attached, Facebook page, Instagram profile, Online forum post, Video, …]. Platform Name. URL.
OBAMA, B. [@BarackObama]. (2016, January 12). Real opportunity requires every American to get the education and training they need to land a good-paying job [Tweet with link attached]. X.
GATES, B. (2019, April 24). Una de las mejores inversiones que podemos hacer en la vida de un niño son las vacunas. Cada dólar gastado [Status update]. Facebook. 201961/.