On the “para + Infinitive” Subordination in Modern Spanish





grammar, variation, linguistic contact, nominal subordination, preposition para


This work describes a particular type of substantive clause: “para + infinitive”, where the infinitive has a [+posteriority] value and para is admitted as a subordinator. The work presents the relationships it share with final clauses and questions the relevance of the theory of language contact (Guaraní and Portuguese) as the only explanatory factor. To do this, it show that it is not an exclusive phenomenon of the variety of Paraguayan Spanish, nor of bilingual speakers, since it is registered in other areas (Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, but also Mexico, Ecuador and Argentina). It is proposed that some varieties tend to fix the synthetic subparameter (subordinate with subjunctive [+Flex]) and other varieties use the analytic one (subordinate with infinitive [-Flex]). In these cases, the infinitive is understood as a verbal mode, and para assigns nominative case or an optional mark.


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Author Biography

Enrique Pato, Université de Montréal

Enrique Pato is a professeur titulaire (Full Professor) at the Université de Montréal. Doctor in Spanish Philology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2003), his field of research focuses on the study of the grammar of Spanish varieties. Principal investigator in several Canadian projects (“Corpus de la sintaxis dialectal del español peninsular”, “Sintaxis dialectal del español” and “Corpus oral de la lengua española en Montreal”), subsidized by the Ministry of Education of Quebec (FQRSC) and the Government of Canada (CRSH), he has co-edited several monographs and conference proceedings and has published more than a hundred works (book chapters, articles in national and international journals, and conference proceedings). To date he has supervised six doctoral theses.


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How to Cite

Pato, E. (2021). On the “para + Infinitive” Subordination in Modern Spanish. Philologica Canariensia, 27, 95–113. https://doi.org/10.20420/Phil.Can.2021.377


