Intertextual Relations in the Political-Pedagogical Treatises by Pedro de Ribadeneira and Juan de Mariana




Pedro de Ribadeneira, Juan de Mariana, speculum principis, Jesuit writers, Iberian humanism


The works of Pedro de Ribadeneira and Juan de Mariana will be revised and analysed in the following article. The focus will be on their political and pedagogical treatises, such as the Tratado de la Religión y Virtudes by the former and the books De Rege et Regis institutione by the latter author. The analysis of sources and similarities between excerpts will shed light on the intertextual relationship between these authors and their publications. Their lives and historiographical works will be introduced too, being the origin of the above-mentioned publications.

Supporting Agencies

This article is part of two research projects, one funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain [Project Code: PGC2018-094604-B-C3] and the other funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain [Project code: FFI2017-90831-REDT].


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Author Biography

Francisco Sánchez Torres, Universidad de Córdoba

Francisco Sánchez Torres holds a degree in Classical Philology and English Studies and a PhD in Arts and Humanities from Universidad de Cádiz with an international major. He is currently teaching at Universidad de Córdoba and his research activity is done within the group “Elio Antonio de Nebrija” (HUM-251). His research covers the political-pedagogical treatises of Iberian humanism, especially the works of Jesuit Father Juan de Mariana. Likewise, the author investigates teaching in the area of Latin language following active methodologies and the Latin language learning under a communicative approach.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Torres, F. (2023). Intertextual Relations in the Political-Pedagogical Treatises by Pedro de Ribadeneira and Juan de Mariana. Philologica Canariensia, 29, 367–385.


