The Pedagogical Lesson of the Example of Sodom in the Paedagogus III 44.1 of Clement of Alexandria: The Comparison Between Sybaris and Sodom




Sodom, Sybaris, tryphé, example, philanthropic pedagogy


This article aims to analyze the reception of the term Sodom in the Paed. II 43.5-44.4, by the prominent Christian teacher and apologist. The methodology initially follows an immanent reading of the passage; subsequently, a historical-critical approach is undertaken to situate the implicit moral assumptions of the time in the interpretation of the Alexandrian theologian. The result is an argumentative structure based on the opposition between simplicity-tryphé (luxury) and a comparative framework between Sodom and Sybaris.

Supporting Agencies

This article is part of a research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain [Project code: PID2020-114729GB-I00].


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Author Biography

Jesús Caos Huerta Rodríguez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, subsede Ensenada, México

PhD in Classical Philology from the Universidad Nacional de Educación Nacional (UNED), Madrid, Spain, and Associate Professor at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN), Ensenada, Mexico. Member of the working team of the project “Biblia latina e historiografía eclesiástica: edición y estudio de textos" (PID2020-114729GB-I00), funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033. He belongs to the National System of Researchers (CONAHCYT [Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías]) in Mexico, where he develops the research line “Ancient philosophy, texts and interculturality”.


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How to Cite

Huerta Rodríguez, J. C. (2024). The Pedagogical Lesson of the Example of Sodom in the Paedagogus III 44.1 of Clement of Alexandria: The Comparison Between Sybaris and Sodom. Philologica Canariensia, 30, 297–315.


