The Arduous Awakening of a Language Change in Communicative Distance: Parallels and Divergences With Immediacy Texts in Prepositional Relative Clauses of Early Modern Spanish




historical sociolinguistics, linguistic variation and change, discursive tradition, prepositional relative clauses, early modern Spanish


Within the framework of historical sociolinguistics, the present study deals with the incidence of the textual axis at the dawn of a change affecting relative obliques in early modern Spanish. To this end, both the diffusion and the conditioning of the new variant (en + art + que), as opposed to the traditional one (en + que), are studied comparatively in two corpora composed of texts close to immediacy (private correspondence) and communicative distance (literary and legal-administrative) from the eighteenth century. The results of the study show, on the one hand, that the expansion of innovative forms was significantly greater in the documents of immediacy than in those of distance. On the other hand, it is found that, despite largely similar internal conditions, some of them exhibit idiosyncratic behaviour revealing a certain disparity in these initial stages of change. All this highlights the need to include textual typology in the study of language variation and change, alongside the usual linguistic and extra-linguistic factors.

Supporting Agencies

This article is part of a research project financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund. [Project code: PID2021-122597NB-100].


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Author Biographies

José Luis Blas Arroyo, Universitat Jaume I

Blas Arroyo is a professor of Spanish at the Universitat Jaume I, where he teaches courses in sociolinguistics and Spanish grammar and directs the Sociolinguistics Laboratory. His main research interests are sociolinguistic and sociopragmatic issues, as well as issues related to bilingualism. He has published several books and numerous articles in international journals and monographs on these topics. He has been the lead researcher in thirteen R+D+i projects funded through competitive calls by public administrations and institutions.

Elia Puertas Ribés, Universitat Jaume I

Puerta Ribés holds a PhD in Hispanic Philology and is PhD in Hispanic Philology and professor in the Department of Philology and European Cultures at the Universitat Jaume I, where she teaches Spanish language subjects in the degrees of Advertising and English Studies. In this same institution, she is part of the research group "Sociolinguistics" (Sociolingüística) and collaborates actively in the research project “Socio-stylistic, idiolectal and discursive components in the variation and linguistic change in Spanish: contributions from historical sociolinguistics” (Componentes socioestilísticos, idiolectales y discursivos en la variación y el cambio lingüístico en español: contribuciones desde la sociolingüística histórica). On the other hand, she is the coordinator of the working team of the Universitat de València in the CORPES XXI project of the Royal Spanish Academy (Real Academia Española). 


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How to Cite

Blas Arroyo, J. L., & Puertas Ribés, E. (2024). The Arduous Awakening of a Language Change in Communicative Distance: Parallels and Divergences With Immediacy Texts in Prepositional Relative Clauses of Early Modern Spanish. Philologica Canariensia, 30, 1–34.


