Authorial Figurations in Javier Marías and Cervantes: A New Perspective on the Narrators of Don Quijote




Don Quijote, Javier Marías, narrator, self-figuration, fictional authors


This article draws on analyses of the concept of textual authority, authorial figurations, and the relationship between fiction and nonfiction to offer a new hypothesis about the configuration of narrative voices in Don Quijote. This critical approach focuses specifically on the transition between the eighth and ninth chapters of the First Part in order to explain the nature of the second author as a self-figuration of Cervantes, to justify his intrusion as a resource aimed at avoiding the identification between him and the first author, and to give an account of the voice appearing at the end of the eighth chapter as belonging to Cervantes himself. The narrative voice introduced by Javier Marías in Todas las almas serves as a reference for our argumentation.


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Author Biography

Irene Sánchez Sempere, Universidad de Murcia

Sánchez Sempere holds a Bachelor´s degree in Spanish Language and Literature from the Universidad de Murcia; she also holds a Master’s Degree in Literary Studies from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Master's Degree in Teacher Training from the Universidad de Murcia. She is currently an FPU predoctoral fellow in the Department of Spanish Literature at the Universidad de Murcia. She has several publications in high impact journals such as Anales Cervantinos, Hipogrifo, Atalanta or Estudios Románicos, as well as contributions in volumes edited by Dykinson and Guillermo Escolar. He has also participated in a dozen international conferences. In the last of these, Cervantes Global, held at Princeton University (USA) in June 2023, she was awarded a scholarship by the Association of Cervantes (Asociación de Cervantistas).


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How to Cite

Sánchez Sempere, I. (2024). Authorial Figurations in Javier Marías and Cervantes: A New Perspective on the Narrators of Don Quijote. Philologica Canariensia, 30, 481–499.


