The Migrant as Literary Subject in Two Novels Set in the Empty Spain: La forastera (2020) and Un hípster en la España vacía (2020)
colonialism, empty Spain, stereotype, immigrant, rural literatureAbstract
The soaring of a new literary generation situating pieces of works in the so-called empty Spain has given rise to a wide range of themes, among which migratory movements stand out. The novels La forastera (2020) by Olga Merino and Un hípster en la España vacía (2020) by Daniel Gascón, whose diegesis includes immigrant characters conceived in different ways, are the objects of this study. This article delves into the construction of the abovementioned characters through the theory on the rural migratory phenomenon and the literature on immigration in Spain. Moreover, it reflects on the use of the stereotype, which in the work of Merino is strengthened and in the work of Gascón is subverted.
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