“That Indeterminate Zone Where Fiction and Truth Intersect”: Fictions, Realities, and Reading as Critical Agents in Ricardo Piglia’s El camino de Ida





Ricardo Piglia, detective novel, fiction, capitalism, reading


This article analyses Ricardo Piglia's last novel, El camino de Ida (2013), which is influenced by the emphatic concept of fiction and the epistemological potential of literature, postulated by its author. The article discusses how the author aims to develop through his crime fiction a capacity for critical reading allowing us to recognise and read the state and economic fictions that, according to Piglia, fill reality. It will be shown how Piglia deliberately plays with fictional and factual elements at various levels of the complex narrative to provoke a critical and even suspicious attitude and to incite a reflection on reading. Thus, the novel anticipates on a meta-level central aspects of the recent debate between critique and postcritique.


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Author Biography

Lina Wilhelms, Universität Bielefeld

Wilhelms is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Romance Studies and Comparative Literature at the Universität Bielefeld (Germany). After studying Romance Philology (Spanish and French) and History in Düsseldorf, Montpellier and Cologne, she completed her PhD on the detective literature of Ricardo Piglia at the Universität Paderborn. In 2023, her doctoral thesis was awarded the Elise Richter Prize of the German Association for Romance Studies as the best doctoral thesis in literary studies. Lina Wilhelms teaches and researches Spanish-American, Spanish, and French literature, cultural studies, the relationship between literature and economics, between literature and gender, as well as discourses on the politics of memory in Spain and France.


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How to Cite

Wilhelms, L. (2024). “That Indeterminate Zone Where Fiction and Truth Intersect”: Fictions, Realities, and Reading as Critical Agents in Ricardo Piglia’s El camino de Ida. Philologica Canariensia, 30, 569–587. https://doi.org/10.20420/Phil.Can.2024.691


