Reasons for an "Inner Exile": Vicente Aleixandre and the Spanish Civil War


  • Alejandro Duque Amusco Universitat de Barcelona



Vicente Aleixandre, Spanish Civil War, support of the Spanish Republic, exile attempt, malade imaginaire


The poet Vicente Aleixandre supported the Spanish Republic during the Civil War. However, at the beginning of 1937 he was arrested by the Republican army. Although he was kept in prison for less than 24 hours, upon his release he tried to leave the country. When his attempt proved unsuccessful, he withdrew from public life and he never showed his support for the Republic again. After the War, he kept his distance from the Franco regime and worked towards the reconciliation of the “two Spains”.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Duque Amusco, Universitat de Barcelona

Alejandro Duque Amusco is a poet and critic from Seville. He holds a PhD in Philology from the Universitat de Barcelona, with a thesis on Vicente Aleixandre, of whom he has edited his complete works and numerous essays. He became known as a poet in 1976 with Esencias de los días. This title would be followed by others, such as Del agua, del fuego y otras purificaciones (1983), Sueño en el fuego (1989), republished in its complete version in 2009, or Donde rompe la noche (1994), with which he won the Loewe Poetry Prize.


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EMILIOZZI, I. 2005. “Introducción” a las Cartas de Vicente Aleixandre a José Antonio MuñozRojas (1937-1984). Valencia: Pre-Textos (transcripción y colaboración de Martínez Pe-reira, Mª del C.).GRANADOS, V. 1977. La poesía de Vicente Aleixandre (Formación y evolución). Málaga: Planeta.

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How to Cite

Duque Amusco, A. (2015). Reasons for an "Inner Exile": Vicente Aleixandre and the Spanish Civil War. Philologica Canariensia, 20, 51–71.


