The Construction of the Spanish Comedy of Good Manners From the Concept "Appearance Versus Reality"




plot, themes, Spanish comedy of good manners, device of appearance versus reality, pretence


This article provides an approach to the construction of the plot and themes in the Spanish comedy of good manners, using the concept of ‘appearance versus reality’ as a starting point. This concept is manifested in four ways: as a pretended condition, as a pretended identity, as “petimetría”, and as appearance in relation to the plot. I will use some representative works of the genre in order to see how these four elements are reflected in the texts. As I will try to show, the ‘appearance versus reality’ resource works as a unitary tendency that allows the authors to draw their characters and to illustrate a wide range of conducts, which suits the moralizing purpose of the comedy.


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Author Biography

Francisco Jiménez Calderón, Universidad de Extremadura

Francisco Jiménez Calderón holds a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad de Extremadura, where he is a professor in the Spanish Language Area (Department of Hispanic Philology and General Linguistics). At this university he is Director of the Institute of Spanish as a Foreign Language and coordinator of the Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. His research focuses on the study of the acquisition and teaching of the vocabulary of Spanish as a foreign language, and he has also worked on the design of materials and on specific purposes. He is also involved in the analysis of specific discourses and discursive genres in Spanish.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Calderón, F. (2015). The Construction of the Spanish Comedy of Good Manners From the Concept "Appearance Versus Reality". Philologica Canariensia, 20, 73–91.


