Constituent Structure and sino




coordination, contrastive negation, sino, constituent structure


This article shows that, despite appearances, the structures associated to No vi a Juan sino a María (I didn't see Juan, but María) and Vi no a Juan sino a María (I saw not Juan but María) are different. While it is possible to accept a standard analysis in the first case, the second structure displays properties which are surprising if one assumes that a Juan ‘to Juan’ is an argument of the predicate. This work argues that in the second structure the negated element and the corrective coda form one single constituent where sino acts as a relational head.

Supponting Agencies

This article is part of two research projects funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain [Project codes: FFI2013-41509-P and FFI2014-56968-C4-2-P].


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Author Biography

Antonio Fábregas, Universitetet i Tromsø

Antonio Fábregas is Professor of Spanish Language at UiT Norges arktiske universitet in Tromsø, Norway.


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How to Cite

Fábregas, A. (2017). Constituent Structure and sino. Philologica Canariensia, 23, 19–31.


