Exhibition "30 Visions of yesterday and today - Faculty of Education Sciences".


  • Juan Carlos Padrón Valido Investigador independiente
  • Juana Rosa Suárez Robaina Vicedecana de Cultura e Igualdad de la FCEDU (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5391-7344


Exposición, Facultad Ciencias de la Educación, Arquitectura, Fotografías


The exhibition 30 Visions of yesterday and today - Faculty of Education Sciences aims at the significance of the actual Faculty building, from a formal and institutional point of view. The criteria for the construction of the story are based on the number 30, the chronology, the urban context and the building itself, all of them expressed consistently through the museography used.

The building responds to an interesting architectural essay with influences from the European Modern Movement that competes in turn with the architectural proposals of the 60s around the Obelisco area.

It should be noted the new distribution program to join School of Teacher Training and School Graduadas Anejas for both sexes, and its quality as the genesis of educational equipment in this area of ​​the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Padrón Valido, Investigador independiente

Investigador independiente. Colaborador Programa Peritia et Doctrina (ULPGC)


Gössel, P., Leuthäuser, G.(1991). Arquitectura del siglo XX. Köln: Taschen.

Hitchcock, H. R., Philip J.(1984). El Estilo Internacional. Arquitectura desde 1922.

Murcia:Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos.

Montaner Martorell, J. M. (1993). Después del movimiento moderno. Arquitectura de

la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Ojeda Bruno, M. L. (2011). La Arquitectura Regionalista en la Ciudad de Las Palmas

de Gran Canaria 1920-1955.Las Palmas de Gran Canaria:Facultad de Arquitectura, ULPGC.

Pérez Parrilla, S. T. (1977). La Arquitectura Racionalista en Canarias 1927-1939.

Madrid: Mancomunidad de Cabildos, Plan Cultural.

VV. AA. (2002). Arquitectura Moderna de Canarias 1925-1965. Las Palmas de

Gran Canaria: Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Canarias.



How to Cite

Valido, J. . C. P., & Suárez Robaina, J. R. (2019). Exhibition "30 Visions of yesterday and today - Faculty of Education Sciences". El G U I N I G U a D a, (28), 180–184. Retrieved from https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/ElGuiniguada/article/view/1110