Creative listening through program music. A proposal to develop creativity skills



escucha musical creativa, música programática, creatividad, educación musical


For decades, auditory perception has been considered a fundamental element of music education. More specifically, creative music listening, that is based on divergent thinking, has been described as authentic music listening. However, a large part of the activities related to ear training have been dedicated to learn to identify pitches, intervals, chords, melody, and other basic elements of music, emphasizing convergent thinking. In this paper a proposal of creative music listening using program music is presented. During the implementation of this proposal students have developed several music listening and creative thinking skills, using the descriptive possibilities of program music.


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How to Cite

Curbelo González, Óliver. (2021). Creative listening through program music. A proposal to develop creativity skills: El G U I N I G U a D a, (30), 168–175. Retrieved from


