Redesigning a Spanish undergraduate course considering affordability, diversity, equity, and learning styles. Plan and results. Rediseñar un curso de grado en español considerando la asequibilidad, la diversidad, la equidad y los estilos de aprendizaje






In this article, I will show how I redesigned the undergraduate course Spanish 3710 (Topics in Literature-Spanish Baroque Theater), one of the Spanish Bachelor of Arts courses at California State University, Bakersfield. When redesigning this course, I had five things in mind mainly:  1) to simplify the materials and make them more affordable to students by selecting open-access and free materials; 2) to bring more ‘to life’ the Baroque plays by exposing students to the recorded plays (sometimes in the old version, and others with different modern approaches); 3) to continue incorporating women to the literary canon; 4) to offer students an active and engaging learning opportunity through the discussions, the Flipgrid (now Flip) videos, and the creative visual projects (mind maps and posters); and 5) to keep working in the linguistic and discourse skills that they acquired in Spanish 3000 (Advanced Language Skills).


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Author Biography

Teresa Fernández-Ulloa, California State University, Bakersfield

Teresa Fernández Ulloa is a professor of Spanish language and linguistics in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at California State University, Bakersfield (California, USA), where she has worked since 2003. There she mainly teaches advanced classes in Spanish. linguistics, discourse analysis (revolutionary ideas in Latin America) and various courses on teaching Spanish anguage and literature.
Ph.D. in Spanish language and linguistics from the University of Deusto, Bilbao (1998); her main lines of research are the critical analysis of political discourse, the methodologies for teaching Spanish as a first and second language, and the creative work of some women ( writers / artists / activists). She has worked in other universities, including the University of Deusto (Bilbao), the University of Cantabria (Santander) and the East Carolina University (North Carolina, United States).



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How to Cite

Fernández-Ulloa, T. (2023). Redesigning a Spanish undergraduate course considering affordability, diversity, equity, and learning styles. Plan and results. Rediseñar un curso de grado en español considerando la asequibilidad, la diversidad, la equidad y los estilos de aprendizaje: 10.20420/ElGuiniguada.2023.630. El G U I N I G U a D a, (32), 38–59. Retrieved from



Subject of interest