Study of initial teacher training on issues of ethics and equality




Teacher training, Educational Ethics, Equality, Democratic citizenship, Human Rights


The complexity of the 21st century challenges facing teachers - such as the development of artificial intelligence, the effective application of the principle of equality and inclusion in the classroom or the vulnerability that Western democracies are currently showing - highlight the urgency of acquiring not only technical and didactic skills but also those related to educational ethics. For this reason, this article sets out to analyse the situation regarding the initial training of secondary school teachers in Spain in terms of the competences and contents taught in the 39 public Spanish universities that offer the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Languages. The study uses the methodology of comparative analysis between the legislative obligation and the applied reality. The results, by way of diagnosis, reflect the training deficit in the subject of study.


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Author Biographies

Almudena Santaella Vallejo, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, abogada en ejercicio, Doctora en Filosofía del Derecho por la Universidad de Zaragoza y Académica Correspondiente de la Real Academia de la Jurisprudencia y Legislación de España en la Sección de Filosofía del Derecho. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en la PUC-SP y UFRGN (Brasil) y en la universidad Villanueva (Madrid). Actualmente es profesora en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid). y en el Máster Universitario de Formación del Profesorado de Ed. Secundaria y Bachillerato, FP e Idiomas. Es miembro del grupo de investigación IMEI. Las línea de investigación prioritarias son: Proyectos educativos para la igualdad efectiva o real; Educación Ética y en valores.

Ana María Romero Iribas, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

PhD in Philosophy and Professor of Education Ethics. Professor of the Master in Teacher Education and Coordinator of Ethics and Deontology of Education. Fulbright scholar in the academic year 2022-23 to extend her research on Ethics of Education at Harvard University. Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (2022, 2018), University of Leeds (2015), U. of Navarra (2017, 2020).  Lines of research: 1. the study of friendship in its anthropological, psychological and ethical dimension from the social, political and educational perspective: 2. The link between civic friendship and education for a democratic citizenship.


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Levinson, M. y Fay, J. (2019). Democratic Discord in Schools: cases and commentaries in educational ethics. Cambridge (MA): Harvard Education Press.

Ley Orgánica 3/2007 de 22 de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres. BOE, num. 71, de 23 de marzo 2007. pp. 12611- 12645.

NACIONES UNIDAS (2015). La Agenda 2030 y los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible.

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How to Cite

Santaella Vallejo, A., & Romero Iribas, A. M. (2024). Study of initial teacher training on issues of ethics and equality: 10.20420/ElGuiniguada.2024.714. El G U I N I G U a D a, (33), 52–66. Retrieved from



Subject of interest