Discovering the fauna and flora of our campus: an example of PBL in teacher training



ABP, Educación Primaria, Motivación, STEAM, Innovación docente


Disaffection shown by trainee teachers towards the learning of natural sciences restricts their performance and, therefore, their future teaching skills. Working in a STEAM context, this proposal aims to bring Project Based Learning closer to Primary Education students, providing them with new skills and tools by accomplishing a applied experience about flora and fauna. By means of a motivation questionnaire specifically designed, the degree of satisfaction of the participants with this methodology and their expectations regarding its application in the context of the Primary Education stage are analysed. Results show that students value positively the inclusion of PBL in their educational development, highlighting the importance of using active and innovative methodologies in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Melón Jiménez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Docente  e investigador en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Miguel Portolés Reboul, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Docente  e investigador en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Jesús M. Arsuaga Ferreras, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Docente  e investigador en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Arcadio Sotto Díaz, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Docente  e investigador en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


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How to Cite

Melón Jiménez, P., Portolés Reboul, M., Arsuaga Ferreras, J. M., & Sotto Díaz, A. (2024). Discovering the fauna and flora of our campus: an example of PBL in teacher training . El G U I N I G U a D a, (33), 67–78. Retrieved from



Subject of interest