Present situation of healthcare interpreting in Gran Canaria



interpreting, healthcare interpreting, communication problems, professional interpreters


The main aim of this study is to discover communication problems between healthcare staff and foreign patients at health centres in Gran Canaria (Spain). We define healthcare interpreting after framing it within bilateral interpreting and, therefore, within community interpreting. We then address the situation of healthcare interpreting in Spain (specifically, in the Canary Islands), which differs from that of other countries. We outline an observational descriptive study carried out through surveys among health and non-health personnel (office workers and orderlies) at public hospitals in Gran Canaria. The results show the extent of the communication problem at the different hospital services under study and the ad hoc solutions applied in most cases by health professionals themselves, as well as the almost total absence of professional interpreters.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Luzardo Díaz, J., & García, M. del C. S. (2020). Present situation of healthcare interpreting in Gran Canaria. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 26(2), 27–38. Retrieved from