Focalization processes in late Modern English scientific register



focus operators, focalization, scalarity, pragmatic scales, historical sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, English scientific register, Late Modern English


Languages have various resources to highlight information within discourse and focalization is one of them. According to the principle of the final focus (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973; Downing & Locke, 2006), the last member of a statement is also the most informative. This degree of informativeness can also be marked through focus operators. Several experimental studies point to the importance of these units as regulators in information processing (Loureda et al., 2015, Nadal et al., 2017, Cruz & Loureda, 2019).

There are studies on operators from perspective of the writer/speaker, both from a descriptive (König, 1991, Dimroth & Klein, 1996, Traugott, 1996) and contrastive perspectives (Bouma, Hendricks & Hoeksema, 2007, Gast & van der Auwera, 2011, Gast, 2017a). Within corpus linguistics, its use has been studied in general corpora (Gast, 2006, Traugott, Gast & Rzymski, 2015, Gast 2017b). However, little attention has yet been paid to their use in specialized registers (and corpora). The objective of this study is to analyze the use of different focus operators (also, even, only, too, as well) in various subcorpora of the Coruña Corpus (Moskowich & Crespo García, 2007, Moskowich & Parapar López, 2008, Crespo García & Moskowich, 2010, 2020), a corpus specialized in the development of the scientific register in English in the late modern period. Four subcorpora were selected. They correspond to the disciplines of astronomy (CETA, Moskowich, Lareo, Camiña Rioboo & Crespo 2012), philosophy (CEPhiT, Moskowich, Camiña Rioboo, Lareo & Crespo, 2016), history (CHET, Moskowich, Lareo, Lojo Sandino & Sánchez Barreiro, 2019), and life sciences (CELiST, Lareo, Monaco, Esteve-Ramos, Moskowich, 2021). The diachronic character of the corpus, which covers the period of consolidation of the scientific register in English (18th and 19th centuries), provides a new dimension not yet explored in the study of focus operators. Likewise, the sociolinguistic orientation of the corpus allows the inclusion of extralinguistic variables (sex and place of education of the author, as well as text type), which, together with the study of linguistic variables, have allowed conclusions to be drawn about the use of focus operators in late Modern English scientific register.


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Author Biography

Iria Bello Viruega, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Iria Bello Viruega obtuvo su Doctorado en Lingüística Inglesa con una tesis sobre la nominalización en textos científicos en inglés moderno tardío. De 2014 a 2018 trabajó en el Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Heidelberg (Alemania), donde impartió cursos de Lingüística Aplicada. Desde septiembre de 2018 trabaja en el Departamento de Lengua Española, Moderna y Clásica de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares (España), donde imparte cursos de inglés con fines específicos. Sus campos de especialización se concentran en el análisis del discurso y la lingüística cognitiva siguiendo metodologías empíricas.



Anderson, W. (1705). The history of France. From the commencement of the reign of Henry III and the riſe of the Catholic League; to the Peace of Vervins, and the establishment of the famous Edict of Nantes, in the reign of Henry IV. Together with the moſt intereſting events in the hiſtory of Europe, during that period. Londres: printed for the author.

Bancroft, E. (1769). An essay on the Natural History of Guiana, in South America. Containing a description of many curious productions in the animal and vegetable systems of that country. Together with an account of the religion, manners and customs of several tribes of its Indian inhabitants. Interspersed with a variety of literary and medical observations. In several letters from a Gentleman of the Medical Faculty during his residence in that country. Londres: printed for T. Becket and P. A. Hondt.

Bennett, G. (1862). The history of Bandon. Cork: Henry and Coghlan.

Bigland, J. (1810). The history of Spain, from the earliest period to the year 1809. In two volumes. Vol.1. Londres: printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Ormd.

Hardiman, J. (1820). The history of the town and county of the town of Galway, from the earliest period to the present time. Embellished with several engravings. To which is added a copious appendix, containing the principal charters and other original documents. Dublin: printed by W. Folds and sons.

Hooke, N. (1745). The Roman History, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with Maps and other Plates. Vol. II. Book IV. Londres: printed by James Bettenham.

Justice, E. (1739). A voyage to Russia: describing the laws, manners, and cuſtoms, of that great Empire, as govern'd, at this preſent, by that excellent Princeſs, the Czarina. Shewing the beauty of her Palace, the grandeur of her courtiers, the forms of building at Petersburgh, and other places: with ſeveral entertaining adventures, that happened in the paſſage by sea, and land. York: printed by Thomas Gent.

Masson. D. (1855). Medieval History. Londres: printed by W. and R. Chambers.

Petrie, G. (1839). On the history and antiquities of Tara Hill. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 18. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.

Sewell, E. M. (1857). A first history of Greece. Nueva York: printed by D. Appleton and company.

Slack, H. J. (1860). The philosophy of progress of human affairs. Londres: Chapman & Hall.

Steele, J. D. (1874). Fourteen weeks in descriptive astronomy. Nueva York: A. S. Barnes.

Withering, W. (1776). A botanical arrangement of all the vegetables, naturally growing in Great Britain. With the descriptions of the Genera and species, according to the system of the celebrated Linnaeus. Being an attempt to render them familiar to those who are unacquanted with the learned languages. Under each species are added, the most remarkable varieties, the natural places of growth, the duration, the time of flowering, the peculiarities of structure, the common English names; the names of Gerard, Parkinson, Ray and Baubine. The uses as medicines, or as poisons; as food for men, for brutes, and for insects. With their applications in oeconomy and din arts, with an easy introduction to the study of botany. Shewing the method of investigating plants, and directions how to dry and preserve specimens. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Birmingham: printed by M. Swinney for T. Cadel.

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How to Cite

Bello Viruega, I. (2021). Focalization processes in late Modern English scientific register. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 27(2), 109–124. Retrieved from