Book review: Eric Friginal, Elizabeth Mathews and Jennifer Roberts. English in Global Aviation. Context, Research, and Pedagogy. London: Bloomsbury, 2020. ISBN 978-1-3500-5930-6, 293 pp.

Context, Research, and Pedagogy



aviation, English for Specific Purposes


The book English in Global Aviation. Context, Research, and Pedagogy is an innovative and useful resource not only for instructors of English in the field of aviation, but also for any ESP teacher, as many of the ideas presented can be adapted and implemented in programs where English is taught for different purposes. As the title indicates, it is divided into three different sections (context, research, and pedagogy), with three chapters in each. This approach offers a balance between theory and practice, making the book a multi-faceted resource with different applications.

Previous experience with aviation is not a prerequisite for understating the content of this clearly written chapter, despite the inclusion of technical concepts and vocabulary. The language employed by the authors, therefore, is targeted towards the general public. An important aspect to mention is the inclusion of a list of important abbreviations at the beginning with commonly used acronyms throughout the book. Likewise, a series of notes with clarifications about certain aspects is included at the end, which help the readers understand the context or provide additional references where they can find more information.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, M. F. (2021). Book review: Eric Friginal, Elizabeth Mathews and Jennifer Roberts. English in Global Aviation. Context, Research, and Pedagogy. London: Bloomsbury, 2020. ISBN 978-1-3500-5930-6, 293 pp.: Context, Research, and Pedagogy. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 27(2), 191–194. Retrieved from