Multilingual drafting and standardisation in UE style guides: Analysis of a corpus of prescriptive resources in Spanish, English and French



synoptic approach, drafting, translation, style guides, legal instruments, standardisation


This article examines the quality of legal drafting in the EU and how it is regulated in the various language versions. To this end, a multilingual corpus of prescriptive texts in Spanish, English and French has been compiled, both for drafting any type of document and for drafting legislative instruments. Notable among the results is that most of these guidelines, which are non-binding except in the case of the Interinstitutional style guide, are general and not very exhaustive and, for the most part, more oriented towards standardising the form than the content. This results in a modification of the expression of the official languages in which these instruments are drafted, in terms of both their structure and of the use of fixed expressions. At the same time, there is an intentional ambiguity, which is used to avoid differences in interpretations depending on the language version.


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How to Cite

Martín Martín-Mora, C., & Jiménez Salcedo, J. (2022). Multilingual drafting and standardisation in UE style guides: Analysis of a corpus of prescriptive resources in Spanish, English and French. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 28(2), 181–203. Retrieved from