Prosodic correlates of communication: boundary tone choice as an instruction for message interpretation from a multilevel linguistic perspective



Boundary tones, discourse, information status, politeness, relevance


A phonetico-phonological study of Spanish declaratives which integrates the description of intonation tunes together with their pragmatic interpretations in the framework of a multilevel theory of communication is absent in most intonational accounts. In this paper, we contribute with a discourse-oriented analysis of read-news speech in Spanish. Its integrated two-fold orientation in terms of the universally well-accepted intonational framework, the Autosegmental-Metrical Theory, together with another universally recognised cognitive theory of communication, Relevance Theory, reveals that boundary tones stand as a powerful phonological unit to lead subjects through a structured discourse, and a contextualised presentation of information. In addition, our multilevel model of boundary tone interpretations also accounts for the socio-cultural use of politeness together with its orientation towards the different individuals in the communicative act: the speaker, the hearer, or both.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Abreu, M., & Vizcaíno Ortega, F. (2022). Prosodic correlates of communication: boundary tone choice as an instruction for message interpretation from a multilevel linguistic perspective. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 28(2), 221–241. Retrieved from